{1} Dissociative disorder.

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After the mess with the core and getting zapped out of existence, I like the idea of Gaster having issues with dissociating.

Dissociative disorders, or dissociating, is a mental illness that people commonly have if they experience some sort of traumatic thing. And falling into an invention which causes you to only half exist sounds pretty traumatic to me. Especially the suffocating loneliness.

Dissociating is basically this state of panic. It's hard to explain if you haven't experienced it but basically things don't feel real. As a coping mechanism, your mind tries to tear you from reality but it really doesn't help. It's scary and you feel detached from reality, nothing feels real.

You know how sometimes if people with anxiety think about something that makes them anxious, they'll have an anxiety attack? It's like that. If Gaster starts thinking about what he went through, he dissociates and gets really scared and upset. Just overall freaked out.

Here's the kingdings oh boy

I also like the idea of Asgore helping him through it. If it starts happening, he'll give Gaster some space but still offer soothing words until he knows physical contact is okay. When dissociating, sudden touch and what not may just freak the individual out more so Asgore keeps that in mind with Gaster. If the scientist starts having problems with it, Asgore really wants him to contact him. Gaster often doesn't in fear that he'll bother Asgore though.

This was short but I just like getting little thoughts like this out :-)

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