Chapter 14

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Lilly- Taissa Farmiga

Rose- Andrea Russet

Courtney- My friend Courtney

My heart raced as I realized that he was referring to me.
"Zach, you don't mean that." I stated simply, shaking my head.
"I do, Rose. You are beautiful, funny, sweet, kind, generous, etcetera. You're everything anyone could ever want in a girl. Hell, you're better than Lilly because Lilly didn't like the fact that I made money off of Youtube. She thought it wasn't a steady job, but you don't give a shit and I appreciate that." He countered causing a blush to make its way to my face. Every single word he said sounded genuine and filled with care. Each word seemed like so much thought was put into it, yet they came to him so naturally. He made me believe that everything he said was true, even though I was convinced it wasn't.
Before I knew it I found myself leaning in. We had kissed once before but I hadn't enjoyed myself because I was worrying too much. This kiss was so much different. This kiss was filled with sentiment and said what words couldn't. It was every sweet thing we could've said to each other without even saying a word. It was delicate and short but it was everything I could've asked for.
"Thank you." I finally said after I pulled away. We were still standing by the door, staring into each others eyes. Both of us were just taking in every detail of our faces, as if it would be our last time seeing them.
"I just though you should know the truth. Oh and by the way, I'm going to dinner with the boys. Want to join me?"
"Which ones?" I wondered aloud. I wanted to go to dinner but I wanted it to be with people I knew. If they were complete strangers, I would feel uncomfortable. Also, if I was the only girl there, that would be weird.

"Brayden, Mitch, and Ryan, but I think Courtneys coming and Mitch is bringing someone."

"I'd love to go." I stated after I thought it over. I wasn't too great with meeting new people but I wanted to see Courtney and spend time with Zach. After all, we were together now, I think. Mitch and Ryan were both good friends of mine, too, but I've never seen them in person because we only started talking last month. Everyone on the Cube had become my friend in the month I had been on there.

"Great, we are leaving at 5. I'll pick you up from here." He said before looking at his watch. "I gotta go. I have to record with Liam. See you at 5."

He opened the door but quickly turned around and kissed my cheek. One for the road I guess. When he was gone I skipped to my room and began picking out an outfit. I still had 3 hours so I decided to record. I hopped on the Cube TeamSpeak to see if there was anyone on to record with. The only person that was on was Hbomb so I asked him to film a Survival Games. He immediately responded, agreeing to record. As soon as I got the message, I unmuted my mic.
"Hey Liam!" I yelled into the microphone.
"Ow ow ow! Are you trying to break my ears? I have headphones on."
"Yes I am. I have an evil plan to make the EV deaf." I said, laughing like a maniac at the end and rubbing my hands together, even though he couldn't see me.
"That's not very nice."
"Whatever, let's play." We played 4 or 5 games before I finally won one. I kinda sucked. My eyes wondered to the clock and I almost screamed.
"Liam! I gotta go. It's 4."
"God forbid! It's 4!" Liam joked, obviously not knowing about the dinner.
"Oh ha ha Liam. You suck at being funny. I have a dinner at 5 and I need to get ready."
"Well, go get ready!" He yelled before I heard the 'User has left your channel'.
I took no time to hesitate. I immediately jumped up and ran to the outfit I had set on the bed. As soon as I was changed, I went to curl my hair and put on some make up. The doorbell surprised me, causing my hand to slip and mess up my mascara.
"Shit." I muttered under my breathe as I fixed my make up. It wasn't as good as it could be, but it was good enough. As soon as I was presentable, I jogged to the door.
"Hey... Whoah." I trailed off as I saw Zach standing there in a tuxedo. The tux fit him perfectly, showing every muscle, but it wasn't too tight to where it looked like he was wearing his younger brothers. He looked amazing. I glanced down at my short dress and pouted. "I feel underdressed now."
"You look gorgeous, Rose. Don't worry about it." He replied, making me blush. He has a talent of doing that.
"Thank you. Lets get going."
"Of course." He laced our fingers together as we walked to his car. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind. "Hey, I left my car at your place earlier after the... thing. Can we stop there and I'll drive myself home."
"Ya, definitely."
We arrived at the restaurant and my eyes immediately scanned the crowd for a familiar face. The restaurant is super fancy, again causing me to feel underdressed. My attention is drawn away from the decorations covering the walls when I see Zach's face drain of color. I followed his gaze but didn't see the problem. He was looking at Brayden, Courtney, Mitch, Ryan, and two other girls. The girl standing next to Mitch had curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes while the one next to Ryan had dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Again, I didn't see the problem.
"Zach, what's wrong?" I asked giving his hand a squeeze.
He turned and began to walk out of the restaurant, dropping my hand in the process. I followed him out and across the parking lot. He stopped at a stone wall surrounding a garden and sat down. "I can't do this. I thought I could do this but I can't."
"Zach what's wrong?" I reiterated. Everything was happening so fast, just this morning I was crying on the floor over Zach and now we are at a fancy restaurant together with Zach on the verge of tears.
"It's her."
"Zach, who is it? Who is 'her'?" I asked. My mind was reeling with the possible ideas but my mind was drawing a blank.
"It's Lilly."

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