Chapter 22

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In case you are confused, the last snippet of the last chapter is a flash forward a little bit. It may or may not be from Roses perspective so don't assume too quick. A LOT of stuff is coming up super soon so keep an eye out. Also there are only a few chapters left of Forever but I might be writing a spinoff from Bayanis perspective with some background on Lilly and Bee and also I'm having a character contest soon for who will be the main character in the Bayani ff. Also, there's a lot of skips in the story because I don't know how to continue the scene so I end it.

If you skip these, shame on you. They have a lot of information. But if you read them CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WIN A COOKIE.


"Zach! Come on, we have to go look at the venue in 10 minutes! We can not be late." I called down the hall. As a pregnant woman preparing for her wedding, my patience was wearing thin.

"Okay, okay. God, you've been calling me for half an hour straight. I get it!" He said as he walked into the room, pulling a white graphic tee over his head.

"You'd think you would of been ready quicker than that. You took more time than a teenage girl and you still look like a slob."

"Whatever, let's just go." He sighed as he walked over to the hooks by the door and picked up his keys. I was making a list of the activities we had to go to today: check venue, taste cake, go to sonogram. It seemed like we had a sonogram every day. It was all just a small price we had to pay for Nicole.


I gasped at the breathtaking sight before me. Ever since I was little, I had always been a big fan of nature and everything in it. With that being said, I insisted on an outdoor wedding. Everything looked perfect. There were rows upon rows of white wooden chairs, a beautiful array of bright flowers, and to pull it all together, white carpet running down the length of the aisle. I felt my eyes begin to water at the sheer beauty of it all.

"Baby, it's perfect."

"In just a few days, the perfection will continue. I will be walking down the aisle at the perfect wedding to marry the perfect girl." Once again, that signature blush made it's way to my cheeks.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Rose."


"Zach, I can't eat another bite." I mumbled as I dropped the empty fork onto my plate. We had tasted at least thirty cakes and by then, the word 'cake' sounded more wretched than the word 'Lucifer'.

"How are you full? You only are like two bites."

"Zach, I ate like a full cake. How are you not full?" Just to prove how 'not full' he was, he shoved 3 more pieces of cake in his mouth. He might of been trying to look 'cool' but instead he looked like a confused dog that hadn't been fed in a week. "You're disgusting."

"Why, thank you. I really try sometimes."


A shiver ran down my spine as the nurse rubbed the gel on my stomach. No matter how many of these I went to, I always got nervous. The nerves were pointless but they still got to me.

"Okay, so today we are just gonna do a little check-up to make sure your baby- what was it? Oh, Nicole.- is okay. Are you nervous?" The nurse asked as she prepared the equipment.

"A little." I admitted and gave Zach's hand a little squeeze.

"Don't be. It's stress which isn't good for the baby."

The x-Ray roamed around my stomach before a puzzled look crossed the nurses face.

"Is there something wrong?" Zach asked, taking notice of her worried expression.

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