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Peace and quiet. That was all I asked for because being in a household of six kids, it tends to get very noisy and impersonal. Especially when you're the middle child.

There was my oldest sister Corinna. She is in her sophomore year of college getting a degree in I don't even know what, and she is what my parents want me to be like. They constantly compare me when they talk about how "anti-social" I am and how Corinna was awesome and I should be her carbon copy.

That leads me into my twin brother Marshall. He is what some would refer to as a man-whore. At least, I do. He is older than me by seven minutes and he is very popular. When people see me talking to him, they always say, "Who was that?" When he tells them that I am his twin sister they never believe him. Especially since I am so unknown.

After me comes my sister Blair. She is what I like to call a brat. She always whines if she can't get what she wants, which is usually everything. Then I am forced to share or get her that exact same thing before she breaks out into a hissy fit. She is a freshman in high school, bottom of the food chain and I swear she thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread. She is always on her phone texting some boy that she thinks is cute and she always seems to have a crush a senior boy.

Finn comes after, and between you and me, he's my favorite. He keeps to himself, always makes fun of Blair in the nicest way possible, and he is the only one that I can stand to be around for more than ten minutes. He's in the eighth grade which means that he is at that stage when dirty jokes start to really make sense to him. It makes me laugh though when he'll say something dirty expecting our parents not to understand.

The "baby" Spencer, is the final person in this roundup of the kids in my family. She is like Blair 2.0, in the sense of being a brat. She is in the sixth grade and I feel the need to just want to knock her off her high horse. She has been babied her entire life.

Anyways, I sat at one of the tables and began to read a random book. The librarian knows me, so she just gives me any book that she finds interesting enough for me to read. This when I heard a commotion coming from the other side of the door.

It was lunch time, and the fights don't normally happen right next to the library door. I was the only one in at the time, well except for Lena but she had to make up a test for science at the moment, so I got up and opened the door.

There he was, looking like a hot mess. Kyle Beyers. Now I could tell you that he was uglier than the piece of dog shit I saw lying on the side of the road, but that would be a lie. He was good looking, just not to the extremity that my sister liked to point out.

"Hey, I'm in a bit of a situation. Could you help me find a place to hide?"

I nodded my head and moved out of the way to let him in. He frantically looked around and ducked behind one of the bookshelves. I just went back to my seat and continued reading.

The librarian was in the back room, probably calling her husband. She liked to do that a lot.

That's when I heard a banging against the door. It's an open library! You don't need to knock/bang on the door!

It was one of the security guards. "Hey Jim, what can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Kyle Beyers run through here recently?"

"Kyle Beyers, in the library...this is a joke right?" I asked raising my eyebrows to sell the point.

"Saw him running this way, just wanted to check. Thanks Maggie!" He waved at me while he ran back to his golf cart.

I closed the door and sat back down at the table.

"I find it hurtful that you don't believe that I would be in a library."

"Be grateful that I covered for your ass", I responded to his comment.

"Thank you", he said to me.

I ran a hand through my hair, brushing it away from my face and responded, "No problem."

"Are you new here?"

"Nope. The name is Maggie Stone."

"Any relation to Marshall Stone?"

"My brother, why?"

"Didn't realize he had a sister."

"Also didn't realize that I wasn't a new student and that I have been in some of your classes for the past four years", I sarcastically retorted.

He eyed me up and down, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and asked, "Anything else I can do for you?"

"Why is it that your brother is so well known, yet I didn't even know you were a student here?"

"I keep quiet, keep to myself, dyed my hair... so I don't exactly look like my ass-hat of a brother."

The bell rang to signify the end of lunch. Getting up from my seat I awkwardly said, "Gotta get to class."

"Yeah", there was an awkward pause before he said, "the name is Kyle Beyers by the way."

I turned around as I was about to push the door open and replied with, "I know."

I walked out the door and headed onward to history. Hopefully I wouldn't have to be around him anymore.

Hopefully you enjoyed that!

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease-
Alyssa Park

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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