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"Hello. Can I come in?" Tyler spoke as he stood in the doorway.

He was early, wanting to have a seat in the back of the room and not wanting to be caught in the crowd of students as they'd enter the classroom when the second bell would ring.

He also didn't want to be the last one to enter, knowing students tended to leave their bags in the way, Tyler would have to struggle twice as hard to get seated.

And of course, who'd mind being early while having Mr Dun as a professor.

Well, Tyler didn't mind.

Not at all.


Mr Dun sat there at his desk, looking focused, correcting some papers. He raised his head when he heard the voice and double glanced when he noticed it was Tyler talking to him, looking small in the dorrway and gesturing to his crutches.

Josh instantly felt glad and excited to see the boy was back.

In all honesty, he had missed him. A lot.

The teacher got worried when he heard about the basketball accident that occured in the gym but didn't get updated on Tyler's condition. He felt bad to see the boy was hurt this badly and felt an urge to help.

"Tyler, hey." He greeted soflty with a smile, abandoning his previous task and standing up, walking closer to the student. "Yes of course, d'you need any help?" He proposed, taking a look at the dark blue cast that squeezed Tyler's leg together from the bottom of his thigh to mid-leg past his knee.

"Thank you, I'm okay." Tyler returned the smile and started making his way to his seat, careful not to get his crutches cought in a desk.

He was already clumsy enough on two feet, imagine on one.

Sometimes he wondered how he managed to get the title of captain of his basketball team.

"So, how's the leg?" Mr Dun asked as he followed the student, burrying his hands in his pants pockets and sitting on a desk by Tyler's, watching carefully as the boy got seated.

"Uhm, it hurts?" Tyler giggled as he blushed, preferring self-deprecation because if he had to take his fate seriously he would cry the day in addition to the night when his compressed leg made his confort limited and prevented him from sleeping properly.

Josh smiled warmly at this, "Aw i'm so sorry. I broke my arm once, one of the most painful experiences of my life. Can't even imagine what it is with the leg."

Tyler smiled at the anecdote, "Well, I guess a broken arm must be even more disturbing than a broken leg while sleeping. I'd be damned if I couldn't squeeze the life out of my pillow."

Both males laughed at this, their gaze meeting briefly before Tyler averted his eyes to his now open math book, fiddling with the pages and blushing under the intence gaze of his professor who still was smiling at him.

Josh was too preoccupied being entranced by how cute Tyler looked with that sleep depraved face. His hair was stuck in all directions as he blinked more often with his tired looking fawn-like eyes.

"You should elevate your leg, it'll relieve some pressure." The older suggested as he watched the student sitting uncomfortably in his chair.

Tyler nodded and watched as Mr Dun took a chair for him while still sitting, not even struggling once with those amazingly good looking muscular arms and setting it just in front of his desk.

"Here, need help?" The teacher gestured to his injured leg and Tyler nodded looking uncertain, feeling anxious at the idea of having someone else moving his leg.

Josh noticed and smiled reassuringly at him. "I'll be as careful as can be, don't worry."

Tyler returned a small smile and nodded, more releaved this time, but still took in a long breath, mentally preparing himself for the pain.

The teacher put both hands under the boy's leg and lifted it as gently and slowly as he could, checking his face in the process to look for any sign of pain, hurting the boy being the last thing on his mind.

No, it wasn't even on his mind, he just wanted to take care of him.

Tyler winced slightly when his leg came in contact with the chair but finally let out the breath he was holding as he finally felt comfortable.

Josh smiled at the boy's now relaxed face and posture. "Feeling okay?"

Tyler only smiled back and nodded, letting his back rest against the chair and relaxing. "Thank you"

"Anytime" Josh was about to talk more to the boy but frowned, a little sad when the second bell rang, signalling he had to return to his duty. "Okay I'll go now but just ask if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks again, Mr Dun."

"You're very welcome."

They took one last glance at each other before turning their attention on the loud students filling the classroom, Tyler being greeted by some of his classmates and Mr Dun tooking small glances at him from where he now sat back again at his desk.

Fucking Crutches - Joshler - Student/TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now