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LOG 050 : START!

IT IS OFFICIALLY the 50th day for seulgi in prison.

should she celebrate? she does not think so.

waking up to the familiar dull grey ceiling, the chains around her wrists and ankles clank against each other when she shifts in bed.

she cannot even stretch her legs.

the police officer outside her cell shouts "get up, everyone," in a standard dialect as he clangs his baton across the metal bars.

seulgi gets up, and stretches what she can. she sleepily glances at the other officer with the switch. flicking it up after scanning his fingerprint, the doors slide to the left simultaneously.

the sleepy inmates, mostly males, file out of their cells yawning and groaning, the faded orange of their prison uniform worn and their number tag located on the shoulder frayed at the edges.

sangwoo prison is a special prison.

no other maximum prison has the system sangwoo prison has. the system was only made for this prison, and it works well with the inmates.

they have the inmates' cells alongside each other. it might sound like a bad idea, but if you plan on escaping, the walls are made of north korea's strongest imported metal. not even a pack of dynamite could put a scratch on it.

the inmates go to a single mess hall, and if you didn't know better, you might mistake it as a normal prison.

but the inmates in sangwoo prison have a 60 percent higher of a chance to go insane when trapped inside a room forever. so that was not happening. inmates in this goddamned prison are the cleverest people you will ever meet, only became too boastful and got caught. if they were insane, it would just be utter chaos.

as far as seulgi knew, she was the only girl in the sea of buff males. what she did could easily be assumed as she trudges forward in the sleepy mess of orange.

she got harassed often, without the officers' knowledge. considering that she is the only female there. seulgi has this mindset in which when she was hurt in prison, she wouldn't mistake it as anything else other than retribution for her sins. she doesn't care anymore if a dirty hand slithers down the waistband of her pants, or an inmate intentionally brushes his hand on her ass. she deserves it.

doesn't she?

seulgi sits herself down in an empty table at the very back of the hall, after the quick succession of retrieving her tray of food with the inmates. the only thing she cares about in this hellhole currently is the quality of the food, which seems to degrade every week. who the fuck lets stale bread and spoiled milk be served, even to criminals like her?

but if she complained, that would add to the bruises on her back from the officers' batons. what a life. she eats the apple, probably the only thing that's fresh here. the chains pull against each other while she eats, observing the other inmates.

most of them are quiet, but she recognizes the ones who are incredibly noisy at this time of day. kyungsoo. baekhyun. sehun. men who were the main harassers of her lovely life. always making noise as if they're the damned owners of this place.

and they technically are. members of a huge mafia, those men. they could easily be bailed if the justice system was worse than it already was, but at least they weren't greedy for the mafia's dirty money this time.

everything was going normally as it was. criminals eating, chains clanking. officers watching like hawks.

until she heard the familiar crackle of a walkie-talkie from a nearby officer, just a few paces away from her table. the lead officer.

"another inmate coming in? ...why at this time?" the officer speaks with a booming voice. "already here? what the... i wasn't informed of this—"

the gate to the mess hall opens, and for the first time in a month that she was here, the hall becomes completely silent, all eyes focused on the door. even if she was at the back, she could still see it clearly. she has good eyesight.

a girl in the same uniform gets shoved in. she's pretty. porcelain skin, similar to a doll, peach lips, and eyes that always has that hint of anger. fists curled, with even more chains on her than seulgi has. the girl glares at the officer who pushed her in, which seulgi remembers as the chief officer.

the tall man grins with yellow teeth as he puts a hand on the girl's shoulder, in which the girl responds with eyes almost saying i'll cut your hand off. just you wait.

"everyone," the officer shouts, his voice resonating around the walls of the mess hall. "we have a new inmate. you may know her from the news as the killer irene! i recommend not to mess with her!"

that name. the news showed piles of dead men in an apartment, always had something to do with their necks. that moment seulgi saw the corpses, she was interested. no one without experience could achieve such a high death toll.

that killer beat her by four more kills.

"everyone, please welcome BAE JUHYUN!"

idk but i think this
is too much for a
preface lmao

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