一 // ONE

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yerim took this habit of tapping her foot on the floor while sitting straight on her bed. she perceived it as her coping mechanism, one that keeps her sane.

though locked in an asylum.

screams and maniacal laughs resonate through the fourth floor of hell as she blocks out the sound with her own.
tap. tap. tap.

there are four floors for four levels of insanity. that is why most of the convicts on the same floor as yerim are detached from the chains of society's normalities and had took refuge inside their own chaotic minds.

yerim is most likely insane herself, but if she is, why would she have the intent to slit everyone's throats here to shut them up?

right. cause she's sane enough to think through the noise.

it has only been one month since she's been locked in this hell but she begs for jesus to save her, and she's not even christian.

but still, she keeps her composure by the tapping, distracted by her own steps when a new pair resonates down the hall.

she only notices it when the floor becomes silent, and that only happens when the doc comes—

"yerim, yerim!" the metallic voice of the doctor rings out through the floor as the scratch of the metallic door distances yerim from her trance. she looks up, meeting her eyes with the smiling dead ones of the doctor's.

she can feel her heart beating slightly faster than it did seconds ago. she trained herself to keep composure even though she panics, but the doctor always unnerves her to no end. cold eyes were steadily fixed down on her as if she was a disowned child.

"hey, doc." yerim only realizes that she has stopped the tapping of her foot.

"i am very sad today." the doctor exaggerates by also translating it to sign language even though he knows well that yerim is not deaf.

"why, doc?"

"you are being sent off to another facility," and yerim's heart doesn't know if it should rise or sink.

"to where, doc?" she knows that the doc prefers to be asked, though his sole job is to ask questions.

"to sangwoo max security prison."

oh! that prison. it was told that it's the top maximum security prison in the whole country, so getting moved there is an honor for yerim, and a relief that she could finally get out of this place.

only people with similar sanity problems such as yerim would think it'd be a honor to go there.

still, any hint of fighting back has been suppressed as two buff guards take ahold of her chained arms and roughly pushes her up and along the hallway.

if her wrists weren't chained so close to each other, then the hands (currently locked on yerim's arms) of the guards would've been instantly broken. in fact, if she wasn't chained, then this asylum might as well have been burned to the ground.

yerim is the most valuable assassin in the black market. could kill a dozen of guards in five seconds with just suppressed handguns and coming out unscathed, she could cost more than the world, but yerim does not kill for the money, only for solace.

if finding peace in shooting holes in people's heads isn't insane, then what is?

yerim never said a word as she was led downstairs and thrown into an armed car with doc, but she has to in some point.

"doc, why am i being transferred?" yerim utters under her breath as the car is getting started.

"oh! i 'pologize, let me check the letter again," doc says, looking through the clipboard he always has in hand, stopping at the very last page. "you are, in the government's words, i quote, 'too sane for a high-class asylum.' while i believe otherwise, the nurses and guards mostly think you are not crazy enough to be in that place. will getting away be enough for your mental health?"

yerim, despite being unnerved by the doctor, finds him very smart. she's probably going to turn more insane in that place if she weren't already, with only the four gray walls of her cell and the piercing silence of the prison to accompany her.

at least, in the asylum, she had the laughs and screams of the cellmates to distract her of what she has become right now and probably forever.

kim yerim, the world's best killer, captured.

hgngnnN i finally finished this i

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