Chapter 3

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J K Rowling owns all characters in the Harry Potter series. 


Chapter 3

Ron’s POV

When I got home, it was like Hermione and Kiely had never lived here at all. The walls were bare of any photo that they were in, the bedrooms empty of their possessions and the floors clear of Kiely’s toys.

About five minutes after I returned home, there was a knock at the door.
I answered it and to my absolute horror, found Fred and Kiely.
“Hey Daddy!” Kiely said, grinning her toothy five year old grin.
Those two words killed me inside.
“Kiely go play with the football over there for a moment.” I said.
“What’s up?” Fred whispered.
“She’s not mine.” I said.
“You’re kidding?” He asks.
I shake my head.
“Whose is she?” Fred asks.
I look at the floor, not answering.
“No.” Fred says, comprehension dawning on him.
“What?” I ask.
“She’s mine isn’t she?” He asks.
I nod once and look at the floor.
“Ron I’m so sorry. It was one mistake. I just can’t believe. . .”
I shook my head. “She left me anyway.”
“Where did she go?” He asked. “I have to talk to her about this.”
I shrugged. “Harry’s I suppose.”
Fred nodded. “Right. Well I’m headed to Harry’s.”
I nod.
“Kiely! We’re going to visit Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny!” Fred calls.
Kiely runs over.
“You coming Daddy?” She asks.
I shake my head, my voice choking.
“I’m sorry buddy.” Fred says and then he and Kiely disapparate.

* * *

Fred’s POV

To say I’m surprised is like the understatement of the century. I can’t believe I have a daughter; much less the child I thought was my niece. Hermione has some serious explaining to do.

Kiely and I appear outside Harry and Ginny’s house and I knock hesitantly on the door.
Ginny answers and looks somewhat surprised to see me.
“Hermione?” I ask.
Ginny shakes her head.
I nod.
“Why?” She asks.
“We have some, unfinished business.” I say irritably.
Ginny nods.
I wave goodbye and Kiely and I disapparate.

The next instinct I have is to apparate to the flat above the shop.
Kiely and I appear in the living room, shocking George and causing him to spill his tea.
I chuckle. We must have a visitor as George never drinks tea.
“So who’s visiting?” I ask.
“Hermione.” He replies.
I nod. “Good. I need to talk to her.”
George raises and eyebrow but hands me the cup of tea. ou
“I’ll watch Kiely.” He says.
I nod and walk into the sitting room where Hermione is sitting demurely, studying the photographs above the mantelpiece.
“Intriguing?” I ask, making her jump.
She smiles at me.
“Beautiful rather.” She says.
I smile and hand her her tea.
“Thank you.” She says, taking a small sip.
She smiles and puts her cup on the coffee table.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask.
“You have to understand that I was going to tell you in time. It’s not exactly something easy to bring up is it? I was going to wait until she was seventeen to tell her. You know, when she was old enough to make her own decision. I wrote a letter. I said it didn’t matter to me whether she saw you. I explained that it wasn’t meant to be like this. That even though it was a mistake, I didn’t mind because it gave her to us.”
I nod, listening in awe to how she’s planned everything out.
“Do you want her to know?” She asks me.
I nod. “I want her to know I’m her father. Whether you let her see me or not is up to you but I want her to know that I’m her father and that I’m here if she ever needed me.”
She nods. “I’m going to tell her.”
“Hermione where are you and Kiely staying?” I ask.
She looks questioningly at me.
“I went to Ron’s to drop her off. He told me that you’d left.”
“I didn’t leave. He kicked me out. And I’m taking Kiely down to my parents’ house to stay.” She says.
“If you will, I’d like you and Kiely to stay here with George and me for a while. I want to get to know her.” I say.
Hermione hesitates and then nods slowly.
“Thank you Fred. You are helping us greatly by doing this.”
I smile. “It’s the least I can do for my daughter and my . . .” I trail off.

What is Hermione to me? At the moment, she’s my ex sister in law, the mother of my only child and an old school friend. But I wonder if there’ll ever be more to Hermione and me . . .


Dedicated to ivygadgetfreak because now I know she likes Harry Potter!

Picture on the side is Kiely at seventeen years old!

Thanks for reading!


P.S. Happy 32nd Birthday Harry Potter and Happy 47th Birthday J K Rowling!

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