the wait

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Soon as they got back to the academy the set him down in front of the library and then eon ran up to them. "What happened" asked eon "we ran into the golden queen" said spyro "but he should've been fine" said eon "he healed spyro he was hit by here gold beam or whatever it was called so he healed spyro but he turned into gold" said cynder. Eon brought him into the library "well at least you two are safe" said eon "yeah but he knew stuff about my parents and cynder's mom and even about the war with strykore" said spyro "dont listen to him he is crazy and doesnt know what he is talking about" said eon quickly. Then he walked away "well now what" asked cynder "I'm not sure but I'm going to sleep it's late and I'm tired" said spyro. During that night when spyro fell asleep he started to have a dream but it was completely empty but him then the imaginator came out "spyro listen in the dragon book behind the double book case if you can open it to the back cover and then use your fire it should show a recipe for a potion" he said "got it and before you go what is your name" asked spyro "my name is Aron now listen get the potion done as soon as possible before they start to worry" said Aron then he disappeared. That morning spyro woke up and went to the double bookshelf and waited for it to finish scanning it denied him "oh right only eon's beard can open it" said spyro. Spyro walked up to eon "eon quick kaos Is behind the double book case and he is going to destroy the book of skyland's" said spyro eon quickly ran to the double book case spyro ran in and grabed the book then he ran out spyro then used his fire on the back of the book then a recipe slowly appeared then spyro started looking for the ingrediants. "Spyro stop" demanded eon "why I'm trying to learn about my past" said spyro then he started to make the potion "because he is dangerous and unstable" yelled eon "wait what do you mean unstable" asked spyro "I shouldn't of said that" said eon. "What do you mean eon" asked spyro "he was the original imaginator and he was just a test to see what would happen me and your father made him but soon as he appeared before are eyes he was completely different we gave him a bow but he came out with a mace and we didnt give him anything related to a dragon but he had wings, horns, and a tail we tried to take him apart but he was just to powerful so the ones we use today are fixed and not like Aaron" answered eon. Spyro stopped making the potion "so he is a threat to skylands and keeping him in there is for the best" said spyro "yes it's for the best" said eon "but he said the others will be worried" said spyro "what others" asked eon "I dont know he didnt tell us he just said let's hurry or the others will start to get worried" answered spyro. "Looks like there is only one way to find out but we cant let him completely free" said eon then he looked at the gold aron.

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