the story of aron

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"Do you really want to know or are you just asking to get on my nerves" questioned aron. "Well I would like to know and if you dont want to say it's fine" answered cynder. "Well listen close because I'm not telling the story again and if you tell anyone this story you better fly faster then me" said aron "dont worry me and cynder wont tell anyone" said spyro. "Ok well it all started a couple of years before the great dragon war" said aron "wait you around before the great dragon war" asked spyro. "Yes I was and I was also in it but eon trys to hid me from everyone so he says it was just him and a bunch of other dragons or something like that" answered aron. "Why would he do that" asked cynder "well you'll find out in the story so shall I continue" asked aron, spyro and cynder shook their heads. "Ok well it all started a long time ago in the library of skyland academy or what it was" said aron


"Eon are you ok" yelled spyros dad "yeah I'm ok but I'm not sure what went wrong we did everything right" yelled eon. They both stood up and saw aron standing in between them "who am I? What am i?" Asked aron confused "well at least we got the crystal to work" said spyros dad. Eon walked over to aron "not how we wanted it though we wanted a bow not a lava mace" said eon. "So what that just means we need to fix the crystal but other wise this is still very impressive" said spyros dad. "Yeah it is but we need to fix it" said eon "what are you going to do to me" asked aron. "Well we might take you apart and try again but that's all in good time" answered eon "I wont let you do that to me" said aron he swong at eon and ran for the door. Spyros dad tackled aron before he could get to the door "what's the hurry to leave we just want to help you" said spyro's dad. Aron head butted him and ran out the door "get him" yelled eon as he chased after eon. Spyro's dad stopped eon "just wait let him roam for a little bit I'll keep an eye on him" said spyros dad then he walked out the door and flew high above aron watching him. Aron was running around the academy through the cold October night. Aron ran around seeing ghouls and goblins and the undead walking and many other nightmarish creatures every where walking around. Aron gripped his mace tightly making it glow and he was about to attack but then spyro's dad stopped him "calm down these are just costumes its Halloween a day where all of skylands dress up as scary things and go door to door to get candy" explained spyro's dad. Aron was breathing heavy as he was looking around then a skylander dressed as a demon clown started to walk to aron. He was about to attack but then eon used his magic to trap him "eon what are you doing" said spyro's dad. "He was about to attack a student and I cant let him do that" said eon as he kept aron trapped. "You know that I wouldn't let him hurt a student eon" said spyro's dad. "I know but we dont know how strong he is so we cant have him running around the academy" said eon. Eon walked back inside with aron still trapped and he kept aron trapped in the middle of the room. "Your going to need to trust him sooner or later" said spyro's dad as he walked in. Spyro's dad walked up to aron "so what would your name like to be" he asked "me I dont know I never thought if it yet considering of all the monsters and being chased" said aron. "Well if you think of one let me know" said spyro's dad then he walked over to eon. Aron started to struggle then he final broke free then he started to run spyro's dad chased after him. Aron kept running until he ran into a swampy area then he stopped in front of a pond and spyro's dad ran up to him. "You like it here dont you" asked spyro's dad aron shook his head "then have a seat I wont firce you to go back" said spyro's dad. "Why are you being so nice to me" asked aron "because you are one of us just because things didnt turn out as plan doesnt mean you should be treated different" said spyro's dad. Aron sat down "thanks" said aron "of course everybody needs someone to help them in need" said spyro's dad. "I know what I want my name to be" said aron "ok and what is it" asked spyro's dad "aron I want my name to be aron" said aron.

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