Motionless skies

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It had been a long day for sarah. she had just finished yet another day at school. she hated school to death. every day she was treated badly. she felt like no one liked her and she didnt even like herself. the only things that kept sarah going were bands. she loved music. every single day she would think about them. her top three favourite bands were, Escape the fate, Motionless in white and Black veil brides. 

As sarah started to walk home from school she put her earphones in and put her ipod on shuffle. Lost in darkness, by escape the fate started to play. Sarah loved that song. As she was walking on the sidewalk, a group of guys started to walk towards her. As they got closer she realized that they were from her school. Sarah did not want anything to happen so she kept walking in the opposite direction. As they were getting closer they started to yell out to her. She pulled one earphone out and turned around. "What do you want" They laughed and then said "we want you honey" Sarah just put her earphone in and started to walk away. As she got closer to her home they just walked away.

Sarah walked into her home. Her mother was drunk and asleep on the couch. Sarah did not have a father. He died when she was 5. she is 15 now.  Sarah just sighed and walked upstairs to her bedroom. Her walls are covered in posters. She walked in and dropped her bag on the ground and fell onto her bed. She was so tired. 

After she had a short rest, she pulled her ipod out of her pocket and went onto Instagram. she was scrolling down when she saw a post by Motionless in white. it said that they are doing a show with black veil brides in L.A in two weeks. Sarah screemed in excitement. She had to go. tickets were $80. Sarah opened her secret chest that she hid in her closet and pulled out $80. she put it in her pocket and walked down to the shop where they were selling tickets.  She pulled out her money and asked for one ticket to motionless in white and black veil brides. The shop worker gave her the ticket. She was so happy. for once she would be able to forget about her problems and just be able to enjoy herself. She started to walk home.

Sarah got home. She walked inside to see her mother still asleep on the couch with a knocked over bottle of jack daniels on the floor. Sarah hated her mother alot. they would always fight and her mom would always abuse her. sarah just walked up to her bedroom and put the ticket in the chest. she then decided to brows facebook for a while. when she opened up the facebook app she saw she had 14 messages. this was new for her because she had never had anyone message her before except for her best friend sam. she opned the messages and saw it was a few girls from her school. "hey slut" "go cut yourself you emo whore" they were the first two messages that sarah read. she didnt normally get this  kind of stuff to happen to her anymore, but it loks like its starting again. Sarah just went through the messages and deleted them all. Sarah just started to cry. "why do people do this to me, i have never done anything" she continued to cry. She turned her ipod back on and saw that people had now made a facebook page about her. its name was "sarah the emo slut". on the page was someone impersonating her and putting up her private information. sarah cried herself to sleep.

The next day...

Sarah woke up with her makeup smuged all over her face. she got up and had a shower. once she had finished her shower she put on her black skinny jeans and white converses. she pulled an Escape the fate shirt out of her closet and put it on. She grabbed her earphones and started to walk to school. as she was walking she was listening to ritual by Black veil brides. she walked into the front gates. Sarah was always worried about people staring at her. she just always has a feeling that people are, and not for a good reason. she got into the year 10 corridor and started walking to her locker. she got to her locker opened it.her locker just had band posters everywhere in it. she put her bag in and took out her english and maths books, as they were the first classes she had. just as sarah closed her locker, someone pulled her earphone out. she turned around to see 3 people standing behind her. two of them pinned her to the lockers. Sarah was screaming, but then one of them punched her in the stomach. "you deserve this you fucking piece of shit" said one of the guys. "go fucking slit your throat, i dont want to see you here emo slut". They let go of her and she fell to the floor.  Sarah got back up and got her stuff out of her locker. she slammed the door shut and ran out of school. She put her ipod on started to walk home. As soon as she opened the door her mother was fucking some random guy on the couch. This happened all the time. Sarah ran up to her room and slammed the door shut. she threw her bag on the ground and punched the wall..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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