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after we all took pictures and all that, the guard said we've exceeded 10 minutes. we all exchanged numbers— except for calum and i, of course —and promised to hang out since after three more stops near san francisco, they have a one week break.

everything seemed so surreal. i was just a fan and now we're all acquaintances? all a girl, or a fangirl, would ever wish for.

"hey, were you added in the group chat?" crissy asked, looking up from her laptop.

"what group chat? no. add me to it." i commanded her, she just rolled her eyes at me and my phone dinged.

< 5-minnies [more]

crissy breezy added  amanda in the group.

ashtrash: HI AMANDA

calum FREAKING hood: hi girly

breadstick: did you change my name from breadstick to lucas is a cutie yet??

me: hi calll

me: hi ashtrash and no luke

breadstick: you are a clock.

ashtrash: ANYWAY, we're going out this week to a resort to rest. Do you wanna come widthus

me: uh yeah sure. is crissy coming?

crissy breezy: yes i am btw we're in the same room yeah no one cares noice

breadstick: good 4 u

ashtrash: ok

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