10. What just happened

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*Addie walks through the door with nothing on her like she's healthy again*
Omg babygirl, adym gasped
Damn what happened colby asked
"The nurse said I could leave so I got up and left"💀
*colby and adym hug Addie and Addie stabs them both in the chests*
AHHHH, adym woke up screaming.
Woah bro chill, colby said
AHHH, colby screamed 5 mins later
Yooooo bro you have the same dream?
Abt Addie killing u-
Yeah that one..
*adym and Colby got a call from the hospital saying Addie could come home*
At 6am wtf,colby moaned
We gotta go get her,adym said as he got in the car
*they picked her up and went back to sleep*

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