Getting to Know You

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"Remember last week when I got that detention?"

"Yeah... not your best moment," Jane laughed.

"Whatever," Kat rolled her eyes, despite laughing along with her. "But wanna hear something juicy that happened in detention?"


"Okay, well do you know Adena el-Amin?"

"Is she..." Sutton thought for a moment, trying to pair a face with the name. "Oh! Is she that Muslim girl?"

Kat looked at her for a moment before answering, "Yes."

"The really pretty one?"

"Is there more than one?" Jane asked, scrunching her nose up as she tried to think of any other student who happened to be Muslim. But only one came to mind.

"Guys, you're getting distracted," Kat refocused them. "Anyway, I—"

"Oh wait! She's the one you liked for soooo long—but from a distance," Jane remarked.

"Did I like her that long?" Kat asked defensively.

"Yeah, ya did—" Sutton began.

"Okay, well whatever," Kat cut her off. "In detention, I found out that she likes me back."

"That's... so not romantic," Jane cringed.

"Would you shut up and be happy for me? Please?" Kat complained.

"What is it about detention that would make someone go, 'Gee, I better fess up to this crush I've had on this person—'"

"She thought I was straight..." Kat remembered aloud, lost in her own thoughts. "Like, when was she gonna tell me? After graduation?"

"Or never," Sutton commented. Jane and Kat looked at her and she shrugged defensively. "What? If I thought the girl I was crushing on was straight, what would even be the point of telling her?"

"True..." Jane nodded. "But now that you know... you can't just sit on your hands either. You gotta do something about it."

"Do something? Like what?"

Jane thought for a moment before replying, "I got nothing."

"Oh please," Sutton rolled her eyes and turned to Kat. "What are you, in high school?"

Jane and Kat looked at her for a moment before replying in unison, "Yeah!"

"And so are you," Jane pointed out.

"Take her out on a date or something," Sutton suggested.

"Wow! Hadn't thought of that," Kat answered sarcastically, rolling her eyes in the process. "Thanks!"

"Then what's the hold up?" Sutton inquired.

"I don't know what she likes," Kat confessed nervously.

"Well, she likes you. Duh," Jane replied.

"Other than me," Kat responded. "Like... is she a movie gal? Is she a dinner date kinda gal? Neither? Both? I don't know. I haven't even really talked to her all that much throughout high school. Detention was the most I've ever spoken to her, and it wasn't even technically speaking."

"There's only one thing left to do," Sutton concluded, giving Jane a look.

"Get another detention," Jane guessed and Sutton scowled at her.

"No! Seriously?" Sutton shook her head and looked at Kat. "No, what we have to do is spy. We spy on Adena, and figure out what she's into. No biggie."

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