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"Guys... I had a sex dream about Adena last night," Kat confessed to Sutton and Jane. They were in the middle of math class, and though they were supposed to be working in groups, they were really just chatting in groups—not just them, everyone was doing it.

"Ooh, do tell!" Jane eagerly encouraged her.

"Well... without getting too graphic... I went over to the studio to just take some pictures—"

"Nudes?" Sutton asked, raising an eyebrow. Kat laughed and shook her head. "Boring."

"No, I don't think those were the kind of pictures I was going to be in... the details are kind of hazy, to be honest," Kat admitted. "But long story short, she undressed me at a painstakingly slow rate, and I was absolutely craving her by the end of it."

"Wait, craving her by the end of it?" Sutton inquired. "As in, dream-you never even got the satisfaction of having sex with dream-her? That's the worst kind of sex dream there is!"

"Sutton, it was literally awful," Kat agreed. "All I can say is, I woke up and... I had to take a shower."

"Don't you shower every morning anyway?" Jane reminded her.

"An extra-long shower," Kat corrected herself with a mischievous laugh.

"Okay, it feels like you're all just engaging in your own side conversations, so I'll take that as your way of letting me know that you're done," the teacher declared to the class. "So let's go over the answers together..."

"Are you gonna do it today?" Jane whispered.

"I was gonna, but now I'm not so sure..." Kat admitted.

"Oh come on... don't chicken out now!" Sutton hissed. "Besides, what if you have competition?"

"Oh yeah? Who?" Kat rolled her eyes. "It's either me or the goth girl, and I have a feeling the goth girl isn't Adena's type. I could be wrong, but I just don't think she is."

"I heard there's a new student, and I think she's gay..." Sutton replied quietly.

"Just because a person is gay—"

"Kat?" the teacher called on her expectantly. Kat snapped her attention to the front of the classroom immediately.

"Yes?" Kat dumbly responded.

"What is the answer?"

"To...?" Kat trailed off, hoping the teacher would clue her in, but instead the teacher misheard her.

"That's right. Two," the teacher nodded, surprised that Kat had indeed been paying attention. "Next problem..."

Kat relaxed a little, and she and her friends shared a quiet laugh about her unforeseen luck in answering the question.

"Is she hotter than the goth girl?" Jane asked Sutton, who gravely nodded.

"Is she hotter than me?" Kat asked, half-joking.

"I mean... she could be..." Sutton hesitantly answered.

"How do you even know she's gay?" Jane inquired.

"I saw her looking at the GSA flyer," Sutton shrugged. "And judging by her trendy leather pants and Doc Martens... I don't think she's an ally."

"Well, I saw Adena first," Kat decided. "And she saw me first."

"Yeah? And?" Jane replied.

"Early bird gets the worm."

"Okay, but the second mouse gets the cheese," Jane retorted.

"What does that even mean, exactly?" Sutton demanded to know.

"Play it safe—"

"In this context, I mean."

"I... don't know. Good point," Jane shrugged.

"Class dismissed," the teacher announced.

"I'll see you guys later," Kat told her friends.


Gay-Straight Alliance
Rm. 232
3:00 PM

Kat stared at the flyer. She didn't really want to go, but if Sutton was indeed correct, and this girl was possible competition, Kat had to check her out for herself.

"Hey, Kat..." Adena greeted her as she passed by, lightly touching her on the shoulder. Kat turned to face Adena and her friend. "Funny meeting you here."

Kat squinted with confusion.

Meeting her where? In front of the LGBT club poster? At school? In this very hallway?

"It was a joke," Adena chuckled by herself and took her hand back. She gestured to her friend. "This is Coco."

"Nice to meet you," Kat smiled pleasantly, and Coco simply nodded.

"Kat!" two voices called in unison.

Kat looked over Adena's shoulder to see her friends rushing toward them.

"Kat!" Jane repeated. "Hey."

"Hey," Kat grinned. "This is, well you know Adena, and her friend... Coco?"

"Yes," Coco nodded pleasantly.

"Hi," Jane said to her. She turned to Kat. "Have you seen—oh, here she comes."

As if right on cue, Sutton appeared and joined the group. Kat saw Sutton's eyes do a head-to-toe of Coco.

"Hey, are you guys doing anything for lunch?" Sutton asked, slightly out of breath. "I was thinking we could go to Squeeze Press."

She paused.

"Hi, Adena. Hi, Adena's friend."

"Hi," they both answered.

"So what do you say?" Sutton asked.

"Sure," Kat decided. She looked at Jane. "You in?"

"You guys know I hate cutting class..." Jane groaned. "But I hate not getting food from Squeeze Press even more! I'm so in."

"Great!" Kat exclaimed before extending the invitation. "Adena? Coco?"

"We'll pass this time," Adena nodded, looking over at Coco. "Unless you want to..."

Coco shook her head.

"We'll pass," Adena gently said again.

"Alright, well... I'll see you around," Kat told her.

"Promise?" Adena flirted.

"I promise," Kat joked back. "See ya."

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