003; late

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Food and soju.

That was all you were asked to bring by the most recent text on your phone.  However, walking down the aisles of the closest convenience store at 1:02 in the morning, you wondered if it was all he really needed.

Namjoon had been day in and day out locked up in the studio, if it can even be called that. He was determined to get at least the beat of the song finished by tomorrow. A gentle buzz of the neon lights from the sign could be heard as you bought the knife noodles and soju, last minute deciding to buy two fresh hotteok.

You thanked the cashier, and began your walk towards the studio. You shivered as soon as the brisk early spring air hit your cheeks, subconsciously shivering while you became deep in thought.

There was a week long workshop soon, and you wondered how the boys would behave without you. It's not that you were concerned. They just tend to be a bit rowdier when you're not around. Namjoon could still be a bit timid at times, and Seokjin was little to no help , you being the only one that could truly keep them in check. Over the past few years, you had accumulated blackmail to last you a lifetime.

Before you knew it you were right in front of the studio door. You gave a firm knock, waiting patiently for a response...


You knocked a few more times before gingerly opening the door, that was surprisingly unlocked. You set the food down on a small coffee table. You turn towards the computer to see a napping Namjoon. His cheek was pressed against his arm, a hand on the  computer mouse. Overall the boy just looked uncomfortable.

From the small couch that was managed to fit in the insanely small room, you grab a pillow and slide it under him. You also find a nicely folded blanket on the edge of the couch, and place it over him. Namjoon just mumbles incoherently, forcing a giggle our of your mouth.

You fall back on the couch, getting comfortable, waiting for Namjoon to wake up.

About 30 minutes had passed by since you arrived, and Namjoon was still asleep. You worried the food would get cold, ruining the purpose of waking at midnight to get the boy some hot food. However, you didnt want to wake the boy either. A sigh escaped your lips, conflicted on what to do.

After weighing your options, you decided it was better for him to eat the food while still hot and get some work done. Namjoon would always have time to rest later, you reasoned.

You poked at him to wake him, but not before you took some pictures of him drooling, just incase you needed them later.

"Namjoon-ah, wake up."

He stirred slightly, but was still asleep.  You tried again with no success. A pout appeared on your lips as you failed to wake him up.

"Namjoon wake up, you oaf." with a gentle wack to the back of his head.

He took a sharp breath as he was jolted away. Namjoon looked confused, eyes droopy with sleep. With a quick glance around the room, his eyes landed on you.

"Noona? What are you doing here?" you questioned, voice laced with sleep.

"You asked me to bring food and soju, did you forget already?" you chuckled at his aloof state.

He looked deep in thought, maybe trying to remember what exactly he asked you. However, you simply directed him towards the couch to eat some kalguksu. Sitting next to him and grabbing your own bowl, you decided to ask him about the song.

"I'm stuck on the chorus," Namjoon said with a heavy sigh, "I just cant get it right."

"I'm sure you'll get it, right now you just need some brain food." you stated with a smile that could compete with the sun.

The two of you ate the noodles while dropping jokes here and there.

"What do you call a fake noodle?"


"An impasta"


"Joonie, you're getting just as bad as Jin."

As soon as the two of you were done, Namjoon headed back to the computer.

"Wanna hear it so far Noona?" he questioned.

"Sure Joonie."

A steady beat played from the speakers. More instruments are added and theres a bit of a beat drop. However that's about where it ends, which makes you feel like you're waiting for something.

"Here it's supposed to transition the the vocal line, I want it to focus on them, but while still adding a bit more to the background."

He handed you a sheet, on it was the lyrics written out.

Forever we are young
Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze
Forever we are young
Even when I fall and hurt myself
I endlessly run toward my dream

"The lyrics are beautiful Joonie." you state while Namjoon pours you some soju. "How about adding like drums maybe? I felt as if that is what the music was building up to, but it never came."

Namjoon's eyebrows scrunch as he thinks, in the end widening his eyes as if you had said something genius.

"Noona I think that's exactly it, thanks!"

You smiled back at him, "No problem Joon-ah"

The rest of the night was spent drinking, listening to the new and improved song, with clicks of the mouse as Namjoon consistently fixed small things.

"Noona, can I ask you something?" Namjoon asked suddenly.

With your 'mhm', Namjoon continued.

"Do you think we'll make big?" he asked in hardly a whisper, eyes flicking from the screen to you, waiting for a response.


I know you will."

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