Chapter four: -And he's sobbing on my shoulder. . . Lame.

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"Uhhhh. . . Hey," I greet haltingly, unsure on what to do. Yes, I did plan on making friends with Rafferty and Mr. Asshole, but on how to actually do that I didn't think of. I only knew how to interact with them when they were grown up and I had dialogue options, not as kids. I'm not any good with kids. I didn't even know how to deal with them when they were happy, much less when they were crying.

Ergh. Looks like I'll have to play it by ear. Ok Pam-er- Kal. You can do this. You can totally do this. All you have to do is make him feel better. You can at least do that, can't you? Rafferty stared at me, tears streaming down his face but brows furrowed together. He was probably trying to figure out who I am since he's never interacted with me before even though we're family. The fact that he was unaware of my existence in person made me a bit pissed off, but I managed not to let it show on my face.

After about a minute of staring back and forth, I decide to break the silence again. "You alright bud?" As soon as the words left my lips I winced at myself. Ok, that wasn't the most refined sentence, but it was the best I could come up with at the moment. I don't know how to be. . . Comforting.

He blinked, momentarily distracted from his sorrow. Ha. Does my crude commoner speech taint your highness's formal ears? "Well?" I ask, with a bit more force than intended. "You ok?" Rafferty blinked again and wiped his eyes before focusing on me once more. Tears began slipping from his eyes as he tightly clutched his knees, shaking his blonde head. He curled into himself and remained quiet. Ugh. Kid, whadda ya want from me? Give me something, would ya? I'm new to this whole comforting thing.

Another minute passed without him saying anything as I awkwardly watched in silence. I dig inside my head for some sort of solution but draw a complete blank on what to do. So in total silence we just sat together whilst he cried quietly. As I watch his shoulders tremble I can't help but feel a bit of sympathy for him. Reaching out my hand, I awkwardly pat his head. It probably won't help, but I can't just sit here like a tree stump while a kid is crying. It's starting to make me feel guilty.

He jumped at my touch, obviously startled, and flicked his wet eyes up to me. Eck. . . Don't stare at me kid, I don't know what I'm doing ok? Sorry if I'm not good enough at this but I'm trying here! Gimme some credit! This body is only two years old you know! What's a two year old supposed to do, huh? What do you want me to do?

Rafferty continued to stare at me, like a dog caught in the act of stealing food. Not knowing what else to do, I stiffly pat his head again. ". . . You'll be ok," I awkwardly reassured with another pat on the head. "Erm- there there bud. Let it out," This was the best attempt at consoling him I could manage.

Yes it was weak and probably cliche but I was just trying to be honest. Kids cry all the time right? So it's fine if he just cries himself out now. He can't do that when he gets older so might as well let the waterworks flow while ya can. Not that crying will fix anything, but hey, he's five. I'll cut him some slack. If he were older than I'd probably tell him to get a grip and stop sulking- what? Oh don't judge me, since when has crying ever solved a problem? Besides I don't know what he's crying about. Maybe his goldfish died or something, and he's mourning it. I've known a guy who cried for hours when his pet snail bit the dust.

. . . Don't ask.

Rafferty's eyes widened slightly when I said this and for a moment he was still. Then all at once his eyes quickly welled up again and he burst into tears, sobbing loudly. Before I could react, he flung himself at me and latched onto my body in a hug, still crying his eyes out. Well. You just got yourself tackled by the hysterical crying child. Great job me. I start to shudder at how grossly cliche this scene was but stopped abruptly when Rafferty let out some kind of wail right next to my ear.

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