Hands off(Chapter 5)

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Theresa's pov

"Be a good boy and eat your mash carrots Danny"I groan trying to feed Daniel but he won't budge.He either spits it back out or move away his head."Here comes the aeroplane open wide"I say with the spoon in the air and brought it towards his mouth but he still doesn't eat it.

He looks at me then push the plate off his eating table and starts giggling....... well however a baby giggles.

"I'm done.......Im so done"I groan resting my head on the table. I can't be a single part,I don't know how others do it.

Well there's no food here and I got paid yesterday so time for shopping.I bathe Daniel changing him into a cute blue outifit and me in an Adidas trefoil dress and Adidas shoes. What?? Adidas style😎

I took him up and walked to the grocery store since it's not that far.

Zayn's pov

Harry and I are disguise as normal people so the paps don't chase us or something. "There's this expensive restaurant right around....here!"Harry grab my hand and as I turn around the corner,I bump into a girl with a baby.

The baby started crying as she groan,"Thanks alot"She grit as she looked at me. Both of us froze in position.



"Shit"Harry say.

I looked to her then the baby,back to her then the baby. She swing him slowly in her arms as he started clapping and giggling. That's my son.

"Can I speak with You?"I didn't wait for her to reply only to drag her off to an empty alley.

"I guess I'll stay here then"I heard Harry say.

I took her to the alley and just stared well not at her,at my so-- at the baby I meant."His Name?"

"It's Daniel"She replied.Daniel nice name though.I held out my hands referring to hold the baby and she did.I took Daniel in my arms and he started clapping again.He squeezed my face and giggle.I couldn't help but smile.

He started sleeping on me as I held him close realising that Theresa is watching me with a big grin.

As I was about to say something,paparazzi started flashing their cameras.Daniel woke up by my movement and started crying. I grab Theresa's hand and took her to my car. Damn I left Harry.

I drove to a empty street to lose the paps and luckily I did.Theresa spread a blanket on the back seat and lay a drowsy Daniel on it.He fell asleep in seconds.

"So Daniel huh?"I say trying to find a topic.

"Yeah.."She say awkwardly.I remember telling her she's on her own with this shit and here I am spending time with my baby's mother.
Is it wrong that I wanna fuck her right now?

I looked at her rather much stared at her.She still looked sexy."You got over the fact that in a vampire?"

"Pretty much,I meant your brother actually choked me to stay away from you"

He What! I thought he just had a conversation with her. I'll fuck him up when I reach home . Why am I acting like this?

We both started looking at each other as our lips met.I started kissing her roughly as she came on top of me."That night at my house Theresa, It was everything to me"I started off as she tuck her hair behind her ear."Fuck when you ride me,You moan my name,you were amazing"

"Want me to ride you now?"She smirk as I grin unbuckling my pants. She got on and sat down slowly.I groan and grab her ass pushing her down more.

By the way we're doing this on the front of my car. She started riding my guts out and I bit my lip.I don't want her to stop please don't stop.

She came off as I frown,"Why you stop?"

"That's all you're getting mister"She say dragging up her panties.I groan,such a teaser.

"You're really gonna leave me with blue balls Tes? Come on babe"I tuck in my shaft and slap her ass."Yep"She grin.

We both got back in the car and I drove her home.I head straight back to the castle.A unknown man just sitting there with my brother,father and royal advisor.

"¿Cómo estás Prince Zayn"The man say as I frown.Do I look fucking Spanish to you?

"Choco moco loco"I reply as Harry started laughing,"The fuck is this dad?"

"Language Zayn! This is your Spanish tutor,in a few weeks we'll be leaving for Rio de Janeiro"

"Could've just said Brazil"I roll my eyes and took a seat.Miranda winked at me and I smirked. Theresa who?

Dad finally left as I took Miranda to my room."Ready for some fuck? You look like you need it"

"Only if it's you"I growl as my fangs grew.She widen her legs for me and I started moving in and out of her."You're not seeing anyone else right? "

"Nah baby girl,I got only you in my life"I grin and kissed her neck and she moans loudly. I wonder if anyone is hearing us.

"What about that Theresa girl? The one having your baby?"

I pull out and strike out my claws,"Don't ask me anything about her got It?"I trace my claws on her skin as she gulp.

I change into my shirt and joggers and went downstairs,"When is Liam getting here?" I asked.

"He's meeting us in Brazil and fly back with us"Harry answer and i nod.

"You called Mr.Malik?"The best house seller in the world asked. She's the one that got me all my beautiful mansions.

"Yea I want another mansion,One with 8 bedrooms,8 bathrooms,2 grand kitchen,a large living Area,screening room,indoor and outdoor pool and a nursery meant for a baby boy"I say and she wrote down everything I said."When you're done, contact me"

She nod and walked off.Harry gave me a suspicious look."You're buying Theresa a mansion?"He grit.

"What gave it away?"

"A nursery meant for a baby boy "He mock me and I roll my eyes.

"Chill I'm going away to Brazil for who knows how long,I need to spoil her and my son"I smirk and he frown.

"You called him your son"

"Because he is"

"Don't you see what she's doing to you!"

I held his neck and he held mine.We both started growling as our red eyes came out and our fangs and claws grew.

"You choked her!"

"I was trying to get her away from You!"

I push him back and punch him sending him straight in the wall. He groan as blood ran from his head."Touch her again and mark my words brother,I'm going to kill you"I grit and angrily walked out of the room.







Oh shit brothers got in a little fight huh? Thoughts?

Oh shit brothers got in a little fight huh? Thoughts?

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