The I love you's(Chapter 12)

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Theresa pov

"Evie!!!"I jumped on the bed.She groan covering her head with a pillow. I roll my eyes and got off the bed.Being the devious girl I am,I lifted up the mattress and Evie fell off with a loud thud. I climbed on the bed and looked down on her,"Aren't you gonna get up?"

"What's the point? You're gonna annoy the heck out of me anyway"She groan and got comfortable on the floor.

"Then you don't wanna hear we got invited to a ball tonight"I smirk and she got up faster than flash.

"I didn't hear that quite well"

I chuckle and told her again, this time she screamed and jumped on me sending us flying backward off the bed.I groan in pain and pushed her body off me."Oh my God!?! What am I gonna wear? Does my hair smell bad to you??" Her questions kept coming and coming.

"Don't worry about that Evie,Zayn is buying us all the things we need.Unfortunately he demanded to do so and I decided not to argue."

"You're really lucky to have him Theresa"Evie face lit up as she said that.She really want the best for me and I want the same for her. We're both best friends and nothing will tear us apart.

The doorbell rang and I went to open it.A middle-aged lady was there with a rack filled with beautiful dresses. He shouldn't have!!

"Hello there,I'm Mr.Malik personal shopper"She greeted and shook my hand. I told her to come in and she did.As I was about to close the door,she smirk,"Oh darling it's not done yet"

Say what??

Five men came in immediately setting down large boxes and came back setting down more clothes racks with tops,bottoms,heels,shoes,etc.

The last rack that came in was filled with beautiful clothes for a baby boy.I smiled oh how I smiled."There you have it miss,enjoy"She shook my head again and left.

My living area were literally filled everywhere with clothes."Was there a fashion tornado in here?"Evie ask coming down the stairs.

You could say that.

We started looking through every thing.I needed to look good tonight and better look good for Zayn.

30 mins of seaching,I found a beautiful silver dress.It was perfect with all its sparkly features. The necklace and bracelet along with it were so beautiful.It could melt my eyes.

Evie decided on a blue dress that fitted her body from front to back."Don't we need a make-up artist?"

"Who needs a makeup artist when they got Evie"She strike a pose after her statement.Evie my beautiful,goofy little Evie. 

"So are you bringing Jeff?"

"Yea I am"I say and I saw her frown.

"What?"I asked confused.

"Sometimes I worry about you"She shook her head and continue to look for accessories. The heels fell from my hand as I went to where she was.

"What's the problem Evie?"

"You know that Zayn doesn't like Jeff and yet you still let them knock heads.I know Zayn loves you, I see it in his eyes when he looks at you. Are you trying to push him away by being with Jeff?"

I sat down taking in her words.She's right,I keep pushing Zayn away,keep hiding my feelings and whenever I expressed them,I would just end up heartbroken. "Do you really like Jeff Theresa?"

"Evie,Jeff.......he's a great guy and I think maybe he's great for me.I can't be with Zayn,it'll just end up badly. Even though I really love Zayn." I sigh in frustration.Why can't I decide! Zayn is the rugged bad boy while Jeff is an angel. Oh boy...

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