Chapter 1

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Sophie loved Furbys. She had every color, every size, every type of Furby in existence. At least it seemed like that. From the first time she saw them in the toy store when she was four to putting the finishing touches on her collection when she was eleven, every fuzzy Furby she owned was treated like family. By her.

Her older brother, fourteen-year-old Dylan, was a different story. He wanted her to grow up. Dylan thought that eleven was too old for stuffed animals! Sophie always reminded him that they weren't stuffed animals, they were her friends. But he always told her that it wasn't cute anymore, and it hasn't been since she was six.

But Dylan didn't know how real they were to Sophie. After seeing Toy Story at a young age, she tried for months and months to bring them to life. Then one day, when she was six years old, her purple Furby blinked.

And it wasn't turned on.

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