Chapter 8

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"The Factory" was the place where Furbys who wanted to find homes were shipped off to the real world for kids like Sophie to buy. The Furbys set Sophie, Dylan and Bailey on a conveyor belt. "Where are we going?" asked Bailey.

"The conveyor belt will take you through a portal to the real world," said a green Furby in a high-pitched voice. "You will be transported through six dimensions to get back to your world, into to your bedroom. We're coming, too!"

The conveyor belt turned on, and the rest of the Furbys hopped on it. The purple Furby turned to Sophie.

"We want you to have this," he said, handing her a small device. "It opens up portals so we can all visit Furby World again."

"Cool!" Sophie said. "Thanks."

The conveyor belt went through the first portal. The green Furby was right. They went through six dimensions: Barbie world, Webkinz world, Innerstar University of American Girl world, Build-a-Bear world, and Beanie Babies world. Then, they were back in Sophie's bedroom.

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