keep writing

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keep writing
come on, keep writing avalon
this is the only way the will hear you
see you
feel you
understand you
and know how crazy you are
you believe you are so sad
so depressed
you poor pathetic thing
you're an overdramatic whiney little girl
who complains about being lonely
when all you do is push people away
you're a bitch who makes up stories
to get attention
you're a fake emo whore who
wear the shortest of shirts and get
pissed when someone mentions it
you're just a kid thinking she's grown
and can understand the world
at such a young age
because a little heartbreak made you
you're just a off brand version of a human
you're a monster
a nobody
so go ahead
keep writing
it's only gonna help for so long
before you start saying what
we're thinking inside
our head

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