Chapter One

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I awoke in a world, a world not to my understanding.

A stranger sat beside my bed, and as my eyes opened and I sat up slowly, he stood up from the edge of my bed, and frantically yelled for a "Samara".

A women who appeared to be in her mid-forties rushed into my room like a bat out of hell.

The man and woman both had light brown hair with streaks of grey here and there, due to their age. To top it off, the heavy bags under their eyes were a sure sign of sleepless nights.

"Well, um, hello darling-"

"Don't call me that." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and tightly gripped my bed sheets. "Who the hell are you? Where am I?"

The women, Samara, threw her hand to her mouth as she stumbled backwards into the man's embrace. She made small sounds, and her shoulders shook as she held dearly to the man.

After mere seconds, the women released from his arms, and turned to me once again.

"This may seem hard to take in right now, but, we are your parents. Our names our Samara and Andrew Monroe." The women took a deep breath, then looked up at her husband.

He nodded, and cleared his throat, taking a small step towards me.

I stayed quiet, and shook my head. My thoughts, however, were extremely loud.

Who the fuck are you, and why are you lying to me. Tell me who the fuck you really are, or I'll call the cops. Right, I'll call-

What's their name again? The phone number?

The man, Andrew, sat in front of me. He reached for my hand, to hold, I assume, but I quickly swatted his hand away.

"Do you know your name?"

I nodded. What idiot didn't know their own name? These people are imbeciles.

"Will you tell us?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but no words fell out. "My name"

"Take your time, darling." Samara spoke in a soft tone, but her voice was breaking, and her eyes were watering. "All the time you need."

"What did you do to me? I don't know shit, it's because of you, isn't it?" I shrieked, literally jumped out of my bed, and slapped Andrew.

"Tell me why I can't remember anything! Now!"

Before he spoke, and before tears slid down both Andrew and Samara's cheeks, a new face walked in, no, stormed in like a raging fire.

He pointed his finger directly at me, and shouted such vulgar things.

"You fucking idiot, those are you parents! You don't have to treat them like shit just because you're such a fucking prick, and because you're so self-absorbed, alright?! You were hit by a car, and you can't remember anything now. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't, but it's not their fault, it's YOURS. And I hate you so fucking much, I hope you know that you piece of shit. Leave my parents the fuck alone."

"Matthew, she doesn't know-"

"Oh yes she fucking does! She knows she's being a bitch, but she doesn't care!"

As the three argued, tears streamed down my cheeks.

You were hit by a car. You can't remember anything now.

My phone vibrated on my lap, signaling a new call, just as I turned into my community of town houses, where I lived.

I quickly accepted the call, and out my phone on speaker.

"Abby, it's. Cathryn. You left your credit card here, y'know, when we were online shopping?"

"Oh crap, I just got home!" I groaned, and bit my lip as I looked in the rear view mirror as I started to drive in reverse.

"I'll pick it up right now, Cath. Thanks."

"Mkay, be fast. At eleven, my mom's soap opera's start, and you do not want to see her during that-"

And then it happened. When the world was in slow motion, and when I forgot everything ever knew.

I looked to Andrew and Samara, and the boy who appeared to be a few years younger than I was.

My tears were at a constant flow now, as they cascaded down my cheeks. The emotions I felt were unbearable as I lunged for the older couple, sobbing in their arms.

"I didn't, I mean-I saw it happen right now," I croaked, as Samara smiled gently and wiped my tears.

"And, you might not remember him, but this is your brother, Matthew. He's two years younger than you, he's 18."

I looked over at him, pursing my lips. "I, um, thank you. You helped me-"

Before I finished, he scoffed, and rolled his eyes. "Shut the fuck up." He cursed, before exiting curtly.

"It's taken him quite a while to adjust, even though it's been about year since this happened to you, but-"

"Wait-" I stopped, and pulled myself from their grasp. "A year? I forget everyday?"

"Somedays are better than others, and you can remember your boyfriend, Liam. You see, he comes almost everyday, but, it's not in his or your best interest to see each other, I mean, if you don't remember us some days, how would you remember him?" Andrew explained.

"He's a sweet boy, we can imagine that you wouldn't want him to be hurt. He brings flowers, but-"

"We don't accept them. I don't want him using your...issue against yourself. He can do things to you, and the next day...what I'm saying is that he can get away with things."

"Though I'm sure he wouldn't, Andrew, he's not like that, I've known his parents for the longest time!" Samara crossed her arms, turning to him.

I sat up and hugged my knees, listening intently.

"His parents, not him."

"And what makes you so sure that he would do such a thing to our daughter?"

I coughed, and both their heads turned towards me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but long story short, I'm not comfortable with you having a boyfriend at the moment." My father stated, then stood up, and exited my room.

Samara turned to me, placing her hands on mine. "He's a sweetheart. Ignore your father, I'll speak to him later, why don't you call him? I'm sure his contact is in your phone somewhere-Liam O'Conners." She kissed my forehead, then retreated, following after my father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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