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© Amber Kalkes 2014



Rosemary can feel blood drip down her face as Levi and her start to clean up. Making sure to keep it from dripping onto the bodies she doesn’t let Levi touch anything other than then himself, knowing his fingerprints will be caught on anything else. After telling her he saw her kill the boys he hasn’t mentioned it again. Instead it was her who figured they should start to move the boys off the road.

Piling the three corpses into the tailgate of the red truck and covering it with a blue tarp they found in the back of the cab they secure it with the boulders Levi found in the woods nearby. Rosemary climbed into the driver’s seat of the truck while instructing Levi not to touch anything but himself. She, on the other hand has been touching everythign and anything freely despite not having any gloves on. Rosemary eventually peeks over at Levi and sees him frowning at her hand on the steering wheel.

“What?” she asks.

“Why are you touching things? Aren’t you worried about fingerprints?”

She shakes her head and offers him her hand to inspect palm up. “Look at my hands.” She clarifies when he gives her an odd look, “See how scarred and distorted they are?” he nods and she takes her hand back, placing it on her lap, “Battery acid. It burned off my finger prints and some of my palm prints.”

“Did you do that to yourself?”

Rosemary shrinks back into her seat a little, “No.”

“What are you hiding?” Levi demands.

“Nothing.” she snaps.

“Bullshit, Rose.” He snaps back making her risk a glance in his direction to see rage clear in his features. She tries really hard not to think about how beautiful he is in his fury. “I just saw you kill two guys and nearly kill one a while ago so don’t even try to pull that secret keeper bullshit on me. I want to know what the fuck it is you’re hiding!”

“Fine.” She relents after seeing the determination in his eyes, “I’ll tell you everything but first we need to take care of this mess, alright?”

“What are we going to do with them?”

We aren’t doing anything.” She corrects him.

“What?” he yells, “What the fuck are you going on about?”

“I’m dropping you home and then I’m going to hide this truck the best I can. We’ll talk when I get back and then…I’m going to have to leave.”

He scowls, “What do you mean leave?”

“I can’t stay here any longer, Levi. This was messy and totally unplanned. I can’t stick around here in comfort knowing that I could be caught for this. I can’t risk getting you all mixed up in this either.” She states clinically.

Rosemary can feel his eyes on her before he lets out a humorless laugh, “Fuck that. Fuck you leaving. Fuck you not getting me mixed up in anything because you want to know something, Rose? I liked beating that little fuck to death. It made me so happy to see him afraid of me while I pounded his face into the ground.”


“No.” he growls shaking his head fiercely. “No, I’m in this with you.”

“But you could have a normal life and—“

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