School read I'm sorry

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Hello I'm here and this chapter will be about today and then at some point I will upload a chapter about the past month almost 2 months so any way here I go.

So my brother ( the one in my grade) is very how do I say this popular and so he got suspend form school he did some stupid shit. Anyway so since everyone knows I'm his sister alot people asked me where he was and so I said he got suspended. So every one was asking why so I said he got a referral which means kick he got himself kicked out of every class including homeroom don't know how or why ,but anyway of of the poeple that asked me where my brother was. Also girl named katana and for fun as a joke everyone calls her kanatuna ( kana- tuna ) and they sometimes make a joke about how for halloween she will go as a can of tuna. Anyway she somehow already knew why, but anyway she sit across form a boy who sits next to me and his name is kayden ,so anyway he told me to put out my hand and then started holding it and than squeezed my hand harder and hard then popped my hand and asked me if it hurt I said no cause it didn't hurt and then he stole my marker and started teaseing me with the marker.

Time skip

So it was the next class and it was gym which I have with kadyen and my brother ( why must the world curse me why ) Anyways before we started during warm ups my brother was kicked out of class so we played flag tag ( for those who don't know what flag tag it's were we were belt with detachable flags and we each fend for our selfs and we're in a box in the gym and the people who lose both there flags is out and as the game progresses the space your allowed to be in gets smaller and smaller and the last one with a flag wins simple) So anyway I was with Kadyen going head to head with him and when he would reach for my flag I'd jump and do a spin in the air and during one of my spins I punched some one in the eye by accident and when I was questioned by the other students and teacher I couldn't help but fall and laugh I looked crazy but I had fun.

Another time skip

I'm in science after lunch and my friend I sit across from Gaberal had a bunch of ketchup packets from the school cafeteria and I was bored so I took one of his ketchup packets one of many and he started filping the f*** out it was funny and later while I was reading he went under neath the table in the science room to drink his ketchup packets fun fact he also had one single mayo packet as well he well he was very close to my legs nothing bad just laying on the floor drinking ketchup and I saw something that made me fangirl in my set and I started kicking him by accident and I kicked him in the face and his stomach and where the sun don't shine and he started screaming and the teacher came over and I explained what happed and she was laughing at what happed and said he got what he deserved because he knew who I am an what I do when I read and that he shouldent of layer down on the floor.

Time skip finale skip

It was last period and in computer lab we had to present book slides we made on nursery rhymes ( the photo above is the nursery rhyme I did one for sorrow ) and when I presented mine every slide had a scertain number of crows and watch crow had its own slow animation and at one point seven crows were on a single slide and my classmate were fed up with my presentation so I skipe dthe rest because the looked like they wanted to kill me.

I will update more often and try to post funny things and comment if upyou know this song and listen to it bye peoples

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