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Hey! i'm so sorry i didn't update tbh i forgot about this whole fanfic i made.
i'll be continuing now.
Karkats POV:
I was so embarrassed! He heard EVERYTHING!!
That's not okay!!
"You weren't supposed to hear any of that!" I said clearly embarrassed and upset.
He was quite and smiling. Then he started laughing.
"I'm sorry, but i came by to drop something off for Rose and leave. But then i heard your voice and wanted to listen. Uh- it's something i do with my life. eavesdropping y'know?" He said though muffled laughter. He lied something down and pointed to Rose. "Here sis" He said. And walked away, Smiling and laughing to himself.
"Go after him" Rose suddenly said.
"NO!" I screamed.
I'm so embarrassed.
"Trust me...i know him, just go after him" She said calmed.
I sighed. How? what am I supposed to say?!
I got up and walked out the door and chased after him. He stopped all of a sudden.
"Hey Karkat" He said and turned towards me.
I stopped. I tried to speak.
I opened my mouth with words to say, but nothing came out.
I closed my mouth. I had nothing to really say....
I thought about what to say so i tried again. I opened my mouth and only managed to say "hey Strider.." I went dead quiet after that. It took me a few seconds, but i had to say something else, i was raging. "Why did you listen? Couldn't you have left it at the front door and then left?!" I said. My fists were clenched. I was surprised i could manage a sentence. He was the first guy i'd ever truly liked...if i messed up i'd...i don't know what i'd do...
"I wanted to listen. I thought something was wrong when she asked, So i thought i'd listen, though what i heard....was nothing like i thought the problem was gonna be." He said. He walked closer to me, i tried not to budge. I thought. And then i realized what he said...'what i heard was nothing like i thought the problem was gonna be'. What did he mean by that?
I was curious.
"What were you expecting to hear!?" I questioned him.
"I....don't know......maybe that you would've said something like 'this gay guy wants to be my friend'. I...just didn't think you'd actually....talk about it...er- me..." He said, quite embarrassed.
"Well i did, so...uhm...." I tried to argue, but i was lost for words. I looked down at my shoes, and then i saw black sneakers in front of mine. Clearly his. I didn't want to look up, but i wouldn't know what else to do, His face would be right in front of mine if i looked up.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"why are you sorry?" He asked.
"I can't find something to argue about.." I said.
Then he put his hand on my head.
"I know something.." He says.
I didn't understand.
"Maybe the fact that your horns are 1 inch long...." He said and then he touched my horns. I jumped a bit about to yell when he started rubbing them, that's when I almost did wrong, I almost purred. He can't know i do that! So i smacked his hand off of my horns.
"Don't touch my horns!" I said.
I put my arms across my chest.
"Hmm....Do you wanna hang out at my place for a while?" He asked. I was surprised, he wanted to hang out....with me?
"Uhm...sure" was all i could manage. So i looked up and he took me to his house.
We entered and i saw another guy, blonde hair, blonde beard, and pointy glasses. Guessing that's his dad?
Dave whispered "And that's Dirk".
I was shocked. HE was Dave's brother?! He looks like he's in his 20's!
I nodded and we walked to his room. I sat down, and he told me he'd be right back. I nodded. It was quiet. i looked around my surroundings. He had a lot of red in his room, even a DJ area. I guess that's cool, he had a shelf with movies, I noticed there were a lot of actions movies and Romcons that seemed cool. I looked at his desk, seeing a note that looked untouched. I read it. "Thanks for eating MY food this morning that was in my hands, ya greedy bitch :) love Dirk". Wow. siblings suck. But it made me laugh.
Dave's POV:
I left karkat in my room to talk with Dirk. "That is Karkat, DO NOT embarrass me, okay?!" I said being serious. I didn't wanna ruin this.
"Aw c'mon bro, that's no fun! He's a troll! i really wanna take a turn to embarrass you!" He said.
"no" I said. i'm not having my life get ruined from my bro, that's NOT happening.
"Fine....just let me tell you one thing i know about trolls....if their ever mad, kiss em" he said totally chill.
"Wait what?!" I asked.
"Yeah, if their mad, you kiss em, shuts em up and let's em take a minute to breathe" he said.
I only nodded. I turned back to head to my room. I walked in to see Karkat, laying on my bed and looking at the posters i had hung on the ceiling.
He saw me and sat up a bit.
I laughed and sat next to him for a minute. It was quiet. "so..." I said.
"wanna watch something?" I asked and pointed to my movie rack.
He got up and looked though them and chose a romcom. Those....are old movies Rose gave me, I hated them, but he seemed interested. So i took the movie and popped it in the CD disk.
I lye on my bed and he lied next to me, i got bored from it so i looked at Karkat, my cheeks instantly went numb. How had i not noticed?! he wasn't even looking at the screen! he was cuddling up on me, asleep. So i turned the show off, and watched him. His light breathing, and....purring? Was he purring?! That's so cool....and....cute...
Agh! stop it Dave!
I quietly brushed his hair with my hand, and kissed his forehead. I, too, fell asleep.
Wow 1067 Words! Hahahah okay bye now

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