I couldn't stand to be alone in my apartment anymore. All I could see when I was in my bedroom was Isabella laying on top of my best friend. Naked. The rest of the apartment just reminded me of all the things Isabella and I shared with each other.

Once she decided to make me breakfast before we moved in together. I woke up in my bed to the fire alarm and the strong scent of something burnt. I got out of bed immediately and rushed into the kitchen, and there Isabella was, fanning the air with a towel. She had burnt the toast.

And there were all the times she fell asleep on my shoulder while we watched whatever rom-com she forced me to sit through. She was so beautiful when she slept.

So to avoid the countless memories that sifted through my brain every time I was home, I started to spend more and more time with Jazmin. At that point I felt like she was my only friend, and I was glad she seemed to enjoy spending time with me.

Jazmin and I went to a park to talk while we walked around the lake.

"So what is it that you do?" I asked her while we walked side by side. "You said you and Brian worked together."

Jazmin nodded. "We work with a magazine. We write articles and such."

"Nice. Have you talked to Brian at all since...ya know..."

Jazmin laughed. "Yeah, we've talked some. I think we might go out again."

"That's good," I said, "He's not a complete douche."

As Jazmin and I walked, her hand brushed mine, making my heart skip a beat from the slight contact. It was obviously an accident, but it gave me butterflies nonetheless. And because Jazmin made me feel that way every time we touched, I couldn't shake the undeniable guilt I felt. It hadn't been long since Isabella and I broke up. I shouldn't be feeling that way about someone else. Those feelings were reserved for Isabella.

"I can tell when you think about her, you know," Jazmin said to me, giving me a pointed look. "Your eyebrows scrunch up and you frown. I thought you wanted to hang out with me so you could not do that."

"I know," I sighed. I shook my head at myself. I needed to stop wallowing in self pity.

Jazmin glanced at an old looking pier that led into the lake. No boats were attached to it, leading me to believe it was no longer being used.

"Let's sit," she said softly, nodding her head at the pier.

I followed as she walked towards it and sat down at the end of it, letting her feat dangle off. The water didn't quite touch her feet, making it perfect to hang your feet off. I sat beside her, our knees dangerously close to touching. I didn't know if I wanted to slightly move over so that we would be touching. I decided against it.

Jazmin rested her hands on her face as she stared out at the lake. The lake reflected a beautiful blue color, and it reminded me of the ocean, which wasn't too far away.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the shrill ringing of my phone cut me off. I looked sheepishly at Jazmin as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see who called. I froze when I read the name flashing on my screen. Isabella. Jazmin noticed the look on my face and ripped my phone out of my hands before I could answer the call.

I was shocked when Jazmin did, greeting Isabella with a chirpy "hello".

"I'm Jaz," she said into the phone. "Who is this?" Jazmin paused for a moment as if she was listening to the person on the other line. "Girlfriend? I didn't know Madison had a girlfriend...no...Are you sure? It didn't seem like it last night when he was moaning my name and pulling my ha-"

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and grabbed my phone from Jazmin's hands. To embarrassed to say anything, I hung up on the call.

"What the fuck was that?" I demanded, glaring at Jazmin.

"She literally said she was your girlfriend," Jazmin said. She didn't look even close to guilty.

I stopped to think about what that might mean. Did Isabella want me back? Was she sorry?

"Oh, come on, Madison," Jazmin groaned, interrupting my thoughts. "I won't let her play you."

"You don't know shit about her or me," I spat, malice lacing my words. "And I don't want her to think that I'm fucking some random girl."

"Why not?" Jazmin rolled her eyes at me. Clearly she was annoyed. "You walked in on her having sex with your best friend! Why shouldn't she get to see how it feels? You can at least pretend you're moving on."

"I don't want to," I said, looking Jazmin in her dark brown eyes.

Jazmin's eyes softened, and she let go of the anger she'd thrown my way. "Don't let her play you," she said quietly, reaching out a hand to squeeze my shoulder. "You're better than that."

Shaking my head, I wondered how she could possibly know what was good for me. I'd known her less than two weeks. But even still, I trusted what she was saying, and I knew she was right. Talking to Isabella should be the last thing I even considered doing. Eventually I nodded, accepting defeat.

"Sara and I want to have a small beach party-hangout-thing this weekend. Why don't you come?" Jazmin asked me.

I looked into her eyes once again. They were dark, but they glinted in the light. I realized why I liked to spend time with her then. When I was with her, all thoughts of Isabella faded away. Jazmin made me feel a way that no one had ever made me feel before, and I didn't know how describe it. The only word that really made sense to me was home.

"I'll come," I agreed, allowing a smile to spread on my lips.

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