:Chapter Twelve:

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"So, I've been thinking."


"And...I want to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"I...I drank the rest of your beer."

"Abby!" Bucky gasps, swatting at my arm.

"I'm sorry!" I laugh, blocking his playful hits, "I was thirsty and Stark only drinks gross, healthy stuff!"

He crosses his arms, "I can't believe you could betray me like this."

I roll my eyes, "I'll buy you more."

"Or you could just take me out for a drink."

I arch a brow and smirk, "Are you asking me out on a date, Barnes?"

He shrugs, "It's whatever you wanna call it."

"Alright," I sigh, standing from the couch, "I'll pick you up tonight at seven. Sound good?"

"So is this a date?"

"It's whatever you want it to be!"


I sigh, parking my car in front of the Tower and pulling out my phone, dialing Bucky's number and putting the device up to my ear.

"I'm on my way down."

"Okay," I smile, hanging up the phone and tucking it away again.

After a few minutes, Bucky emerges from the Tower, dressed in dark jeans and a white button up, long sleeved shirt, and I smile as he gets into the car and buckles his seatbelt.

"Where to?" I ask, putting the car into drive and pulling away from the Tower.

"There's a small place a few blocks from here. It's small and quiet, if that's what you like. Otherwise we can go to a club or something."

"Eh, I prefer simple stuff considering...nevermind."

"Considering what?"

I shake my head, "What's this place called?"

"Jimmy's Corner. Take a right at the next light and it'll be on the left."

I nod, turning at the light and slowing down. At the very end of the street sat a small, storefront building with a blue neon sign that read "Jimmy's Corner," and I park the car at the curb before stepping onto the sidewalk and following Bucky inside shyly.

"So you're a regular in here right?" I ask quietly, looking around the practically empty bar.

He shrugs, "Kinda."

"What does that me-

"Bucky!" An older guy shouts from behind the bar, "Ah, you finally brought a date?"

Bucky looks at me and shakes his head, "It's not-"

"It's to be decided," I interrupt, taking a seat at the bar, "I'll have a scotch on the rocks, dirty, and he'll have whatever he wants. I'm paying."

"You're my kind of woman. Buck, you better take her out or she might be mine," the man chuckles, pouring me a drink and getting Bucky a beer, "My name is Jimmy, but you can call me James, darlin'."

"Hey, isn't your name James too, Bucky?" I ask, smirking at Bucky as I sip at my drink.

He glares at me, chugging from his beer bottle, and I keep eye contact as I begin to chug the rest of my drink as well. I finish before him, slamming my glass down and demanding another before he could even finish his beer.


"Bucky you have such a low alcohol tolerance," I laugh drunkenly, watching as Bucky sways back and forth in his seat.

"Hey, you're just as drunk as me," he slurs, pointing at me.

"Maybe, but I've had stronger drinks and you've only had beer!" I giggle, slapping his arm. I look over to James as he sits behind the counter on his phone, "If I give you the keys to my car, can you drive us back to my place?"

James nods and laughs, glancing between Bucky and myself as we stand up from our bar stools.

"Bucky, come on!" I exclaim, taking his arm and leading him outside, "You're staying with me tonight."

"What will James think?!" He laughs loudly, crawling into the backseat of the car.

"You're the only James I like." I mumbled, getting in next to him and closing the door, "22...2274 Collins Str-street."

James nods, "Got it."

Soon, the car comes to a hault and James drags both Bucky and myself into my apartment. After we've crash onto my bed, James quickly leaves.

"I'm leaving your keys on the kitchen counter, alright?" He says before exiting the room.

"G'night Jimmy Jim!" I slur with a giggle before sighing and rolling over on my side to face Bucky. He stares at me and says nothing as I stare back. I blush, keeping my eyes locked with his for what feels like forever, "How long have we been friends?"

"We're friends?" He asks, glancing between my eyes and my lips.

"Of course we are, but how long has it been?"

"About six months," he replies, his voice still  slightly slurred. He breathes softly, his chest moving up and down calmly, "Wh-why?"

I smile, scooting closer to him, "I was jus' wonderin'."

He hums, moving closer to me as well. Hesitantly, he cups my face with his hand and moves even closer, saying nothing, only staring at me in question. I nod in reply, closing the last bit of distance between us and connecting our lips together soflty.

Softness turns to rough and frantic, and before I can even think, we both rush to pull our clothes off as quickly as possible before reconnecting our lips.

"Do you really want to do this?" He asks between neck kisses.

I nod and moan lightly, tugging at his hair, "Yes, I want this."

He stops for a moment and looks me in the eyes, "I'm serious. Do you want this or does the alcohol?"

I take his head in my hands, still staring up into his eyes, "I want this."

He nods and smiles, diving back to my neck and scattering it with bites and marks.


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