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What are speedsters?
Speedsters are human beings with the power to move at the speed of light, travel dimensions, slow down time, and phase through any object. They can phase enough to where the naked eye can not see.


What is the speedforce?
The speedforce is an extra dimensional source of energy for every speedster to generate energy to run at the speed of light.
The speedforce can take on to any form of person making it comfortable for the metahuman, speedsters, to speak with whilist in the speedforce itself. This energy has the ability to take away the speedsters power until the metahuman shows them self worthy of receiving their power back.
If the speedster dies they may choose to come back but with a price of no power.


Lightning coloration
Lightning trails can generate from the back of the speedster when the run.
Lightning can differ from a range of colors. But when certain colors appear on a speedster it could mean bad luck.

Yellow is the color beginner speedsters start with. Yellow is generated by speedsters with a pure or natural connection to the speedforce.

When a speedster generates red coloration, it means they have a corrupted or negative connection to the speedforce.

Blue coloration means having a speedster who artificially enhances an existing speedforce connection or gaining access to the speedforce through a strong dosage of a drug called velocity 9.
While it increases the speedsters speed it comes with life threatening side affects.
Cellular degeneration,
Split personality

White is generated when the lightning reflects off of armor or a suite containing a metal, shiny, substance.

The reason for this coloration is currently unknown.


Time wraths
When a speedster that isn't careful when traveling through time, a corpse like being appears to capture the speedster(s) and will do all but nothing to find the speedster.
When the speedster is taken they take form of that corpse like being and hunt down anyone doing the wrong thing when not being careful through traveling time.


(Will continue later)

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