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Austin's POV

A harsh throbbing in my head woke me up, along with the loud ringing of my phone. The caller ID said unknown, but I answered it anyways. 


"Bring one million to the beach by sunrise or Avery won't have anyone to call sissy anymore."

"What the fuck do you mean?! Who are you??"

"Leave your phone, don't tell anyone where you're going. Bring any weapons and you're dead too."

"That's in like twenty minutes are you insane?!" 

"Poor Riley had to find out the hard way that strangers don't always tell the truth." 

"Fuck you!" I hung up, immediately sprinting to the safe. After shoving $1 million into a duffle bag, and sliding on some pants, I grabbed the first pair of keys I could find. 

The unknown number texted the location to my phone along with "no money, no deal." I threw it in the nightstand and ran out to the car. My hands were shaking so bad, I could barely get it started. As soon as I did, I peeled out. 

The first chunks of light were starting to become visible. I glanced over at the clock. Fuck 5:35 already, that only leaves me ten more minutes.

Avery's POV

I woke up around 5:25 to the sound of someone speeding down the neighborhood. It wasn't uncommon, just annoying. I wandered downstairs to check on Austin. When I got to the bedroom, nobody was there. The bed wasn't made and his clothes were still lying on the floor. 

I scanned the house for any trace of Austin's presence. Still nothing so I pulled out my phone. 

The first call wasn't automatically sent to voicemail, but Austin didn't pick up. I tried a second time, hearing a faint ringtone in the house. Following the sound, I was lead back to the room Austin crashed in. 

I opened the nightstand drawer, finding Austin's phone. I let out a loud sigh of defeat as I plopped onto the bed. 

Is this really it? Is this Austin saying he's out? Tears started falling down my face as I thought of the possibilities of Austin leaving the baby and I. 

A text from Ashlen popped up on Austin's phone. It read, "had so much fun last night." Instant rage coursed through my body. I typed in his passcode, scrolling through his texts. 

An unknown contact was right below Ashlen in his inbox. All it had was a location and "no money, no deal." What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I analyzed the texts one more time. Holy shit, this was sent only a few minutes ago, maybe I can find him.

I threw on a t-shirt and shorts and ran to my car. The location was set to the beach where Austin and I had our In-N-Out picnic. 

Luckily, I knew a shortcut that shaved five minutes off the drive. I pulled into the beach parking right next to Austin's car. I walked out to the sand, scanning the area for Austin.  

In the distance I saw Austin, a strange man, and what looked to be Riley tied up in a beach chair. As I started sprinting towards the group, I heard Austin yell "Avery, don't!" followed by a person tackling me to the ground. 

I landed right near Riley's feet. She tried screaming, but the tie around her mouth didn't allow it. Austin started for the person that tackled me, but was taken to the ground by a different person. 

"Now what do we have here," he paused, "I thought I told you not to tell anyone about our little meeting," said the strange man. 

"I-I swear I didn't," Austin replied. 

"Then how did your little lady friend know exactly where to find us?" The man walked over to Austin, swiftly kicking him in the ribs. My scream was quickly masked by the hand of the guy holding me down. I tried squirming away, but he was too strong. 

"Come on man, I gave you the money, just let them go," Austin choked out. The man reached for the piece in his ear, then signaled his guy to pull me up. As I got to my feet, I looked down and saw the pain in Austin's eyes. It immediately made me tear up. 

"Aww is someone upset about their boyfriend?" The man said, walking over to me and slapping my cheek with all his force. My arms were being held back by the guard so I couldn't fight back. I slowly turned my head back in his direction, looking him straight in the eye. 

"You know, I've heard a lot about you," he said, "my boss doesn't want me to kill you, but give me one good reason I shouldn't." I didn't say anything. He nodded and my hands were suddenly free. 

At that exact moment, I jumped at the man, punching him twice in the face. He fired back with a more powerful punch, causing me to be thrown to the ground. After I had fallen, the man placed his foot atop my body, restricting me from getting back up. He examined his bleeding face and shook his head. 

"Boss man was right, you are a feisty one," he smirked, kicking me in the stomach with all his strength.

"Don't! I-I'm-" I was cut off by the sound of loud police sirens. The man looked around, grabbed the duffle bag, and started sprinting in the opposite direction of the sirens. His crew followed right behind him. 

A/N: okay this chapter was a little bit longer, but it was still shit. i hate writing in separate pov's but idk i thought i'd try it for this one.

so so sorry about not updating for so long. i think we've got everyone trained at work so i should be able to update more often now. thanks a million for all the support, even though this story sucks absolute ass ((:

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