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I cleaned up my stuff as Courtney and Boze came up to my desk.

"Liv liv! You're coming to the party tonight, right?" Courtney put her arms on my desk.

"Um... I'm not sure, guys, I have a thing..." I lied as I adjusted my glasses. I just wanted to stay home and watch TV, cuddled up in my comforters.

"Oh, come on," Boze sighed. "You always have a thing," she put her hands on her hips.

"Just come with us once. For me?" Courtney pleaded.

"Pleaaaasssseeeeee," both of them begged.

"Fine," I gave up as they cheered. "But only this once. And I'm leaving early so I don't miss the Office reruns," I glared at them, packing up my stuff.

We got into Courtney's car and drove for about fifteen minutes until we reached the club where the party was at.

"Whoo!" Courtney yelled as she and Boze made their way over to a group of guys. I chuckled as I sat on a sofa in the back. I just sat and watched as my friends flirted with the guys. I sighed, wishing I had the confidence to just go up to guys and talk to them. Every time I went out with those two, they got attention from every guy in the room. They were so beautiful that compared to them I was pretty much invisible,  with my glasses and my dark, messy hair that seemed to cover my face.

I turned around to see a group of young, attractive guys, probably around my age, making their way over to the lounge where I was sitting. I pushed up my glasses nervously and tried to make myself invisible. Me, in my jeans and a t-shirt, in a bar. I quickly pulled out my phone and pretended to be texting someone as I heard someone say something next to me.

"Hey," I heard a man's voice over the sound of the music pumping. I ignored it, thinking he was talking to someone else, and continued looking at my phone.

"Hello?" I heard someone tap me on the shoulder. I finally looked up to face him. It was a ridiculously handsome guy around my age with intense blue eyes and blonde hair that swept across his forehead.

"Oh, sorry, hi. I-I didn't think you were talking to me - " I said nervously, pushing up my glasses. I wasn't good at talking to guys. Especially super attractive ones.

"What are you doing?" He ignored my nervousness, smiling a swoon-worthy smile with his straight, white teeth.

"I'm waiting for my friends," I motioned towards Courtney and Boze on the dance floor, dancing with a group of guys.

"Then how come you're over here?" he turned his body towards me so he was facing me. I was now super confused, an attractive guy came and sat down next to me?

"I... um..." I stuttered, at a loss for words.

"Never mind," he interrupted, and got up and left just as quickly as he came. I sighed. I guess he must've realized that I wasn't worth talking to. I returned to my phone, feeling strangely dejected, until I saw him coming back, two drinks in his hands. I looked up, surprised, as he sat down again.

"Do you like vodka?" He handed me a glass.

"Well, I don't normally drink, but I could try it," I took it from him. "Did you drug this?" I asked, tentatively.

He laughed, which made my stomach fill with butterflies. "I didn't," he reassured me.

I took a cautious sip of the vodka and squinted my eyes at the bitterness. "Wow, that's bitter," I smacked my lips and put the cup back down.

"What's your name?" he asked, taking a sip from his cup.

"Olivia. You?" I asked.

"How come you're not with your friends?" He ignored my question, nodding in their direction.

"Well - I guess I don't really dance," I managed.

"Why not?" He quickly asked back, his blue eyes never leaving mine.

"I just - I never do. I don't come to clubs that often, and I'm not really a party person," I shrugged, feeling uncomfortable with the eye contact. I squirmed uncomfortably as I felt his blue eyes darting up and down, studying me. I knew I probably looked like trash, I didn't brush my hair, put on makeup, or change into a nice outfit. I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt that was too big for me.

Him on the other hand, he managed to pull off wearing casual clothes without looking casual. He was wearing a simple white v-neck and a pair of black jeans, with a tight-fitting blazer on top.

"Where do you work?" He finally asked, after seemingly studying me for a long time.

"I work at an office where we shoot videos," I explained. He kept on asking me questions about me and my life, and I kept on talking. After a while, Courtney and Boze came up to me.

"Liv, it's 2 AM and we're getting tired - we're going to drive home now. Are you coming?" Courtney wiped her eyes. Then she noticed the guy sitting next to me and gave me a small smile. "Never mind, you can call an Uber. See you tomorrow!" She winked at me as Boze checked him out. I turned to look at the guy who seemed a little bored, but he was still smiling at the two of them. I was surprised, as I half expected him to hit on them, or flirt with them, or something, since they were way more beautiful than me.

They walked away as I checked my watch. 2 AM already? I realized I had already finished my vodka and I had started on some beer. Maybe that's why I was feeling so woozy.

"You getting tired?" he asked, helping me stand up.

"Yeah, a little," I admitted, getting a sudden head rush as I stood up.

"Maybe we should get you home then," he helped me get out of my chair. I studied him as he picked up my purse for me. I realized he had never told me his name, or where he worked, or anything about him. And we had been talking for over three hours.

"Hey, what's your name?" I slurred, suddenly tipping over on my heels and falling over. He quickly grabbed my arm helped me back up. 

"You okay?" his blue eyes looked into mine.

I just nodded, mesmerized by how bright his eyes were.

He then walked me slowly out of the bar and called me an Uber from his phone. I studied him in the parking lot as we waited for my Uber to come. He was looking at the road and checking his phone, waiting for the car to pull up. He was absolutely beautiful.

Then the Uber finally came, pulling up in front of us. He wordlessly opened the door for me and I got in. Then he told the driver to roll down the front window and he leaned in and whispered something to the driver, to which he responded, "Don't worry,"

Then he came over to my side and spoke quietly, "Be careful, okay? Text me when you get home safely," he smiled put his hands in his pockets as the driver drove away. I watched out of the window, my head spinning. "Bye, Olivia,"

Wait. Text him? How?

I groaned and stuffed my hands into my pockets. I frowned as my fingers touched a small slip of paper. I pulled it out, confused, and read it in the dim light of the Uber.

4677827 - call me.

 - Shayne


I smiled giddily, stuffing the number back in my pocket.

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