new girl

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My best friend Noah walked down the hallway confidently. A new year of high school, a new year of us. 

"Bro, you should ask Courtney out this year. Everyone's been waiting for you to finally do it," Noah nudged me on the shoulder as we walked by Courtney and her friends. I smiled weakly. Since I was the most popular guy and she was the most popular girl, everyone was trying to make me ask her out. But I didn't like her. In fact, I didn't like anybody.

"Yeah, bro. Totally," I smiled a fake smile. "So what do you think Mr. Hecox is gonna be like?" I tried to change the subject. We continued walking to class, joking around and talking, until a girl with long black hair suddenly rammed into me. We collided and I stumbled back a little as she fell on her bottom.

"Bruh," Noah frowned at her, shaking his head.

"Oh my god," She gasped and put her hand on her mouth as she sat on her butt on the floor. "I'm so, so sorry," she covered her hands with her face, her stuff strewn around on the floor. "I'm so stupid, I can't believe I did that," she shook her head while slapping her forehead. "Especially to you,"

I frowned. Especially to me? "What do you mean?" I offered her my hand, helping her up. 

"Nothing, it's just, you're the most popular kid in school," she shook her head. I laughed a little, surprised by her straightforwardness. 

"Oh," I managed, stifling a laugh, as I grabbed her glasses for her and helped her collect her stuff.

"I'm so, so sorry," she repeated. "I swear, I didn't mean to. It's just my first day, and I'm lost, and I don't know anyone here, and - " 

"Hey," I cut her off, handing her the notebook she dropped. "You're okay," 

She took the notebook from me gratefully and managed a small smile. 

"There you go!" I laughed, patting her shoulder. "Just relax," I held out my hand for her to shake. "I'm Shayne,"

"I-I know," she stuttered, pushing her glasses up a little. "I'm Olivia,"

We shook hands and I gave her a small smile before Noah started to push me away.

time skip

I slung my bag over my shoulder, heading out of chemistry, my last period of the day. For some reason, I couldn't get that girl off my mind. Sure, she was different, and nerdy, and not exactly the most popular, but something about her made me have feelings inside I had never really felt before.

I met up with Noah outside. "Wanna get some food?" he dangled his keys in front of my face. "We can go in my new car," he said excitedly.

"Sure," I chuckled. 

We headed towards his car when I noticed Olivia walking to her car. 

"Hold on," I quickly walked behind her until I caught up with her. "Hey," I said, walking next to her.

"Hey," she looked at me surprised. "Shayne?"

"Yup, it's me," I flashed her a smile.

"Do you need something? Sorry, what I meant to ask was why are you talking to me? Your friend is waiting," she motioned towards Noah leaning on his car looking at me very confused.

"Actually I do," I stopped her by standing in front of her.

"You do?"

"I need something,"

"Oh... did I do something wrong? I-I didn't mean to - " she started, but I cut her off by touching her hand.

"No, actually, what I needed was..." I trailed off, my confidence starting to turn into embarrassment. "What I needed was your number," I smiled hopefully at her. 

No girl had ever made me lose my confidence like this.

"Wow... um," her face turned bright red. "Yeah, sure," she took out a slip of paper, wrote her number on it, and handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said, looking down. "See you around," and I ran back to Noah.

"Dude, what the hell was that?" Noah looked at me confused.

"Nothing," I smiled to myself.

ahhh sorry for crappy chapter but i tried :) school is starting so no more frequent updates im afraid. sorry! this story i haven't actually been updating a lot but i meant for my other story. love y'all! <3

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