Part 12: The Battle of Beijing!

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"The frost of winter suits you ill T'Challa."

He came awake with a deep inhalation, Black Panther's upper body surging off the bed, his chest heaving. His mask was off, and Storm was kneeling beside him in a heartbeat.
"Husband! You have not passed into the next world!"

"He was close to death, not only delirium."
Nearby, Thor sat on a chair. They were all in the chamber back in the royal palace. It was now night, and a slight breeze wafted in, jostling the curtains. T'Challa put a hand to the side of his head, sweat beading on his brow.
"What happened?" he asked between breaths.

Thor stood, and walked over, "I found you and your men defenseless in the snow, your minds might be lost forever if I hadn't pulled you all out."
"I tried to call you, my love," Storm lamented, holding her husband's head in her arm, "But something was jamming the communicator."

T'Challa thought for a few seconds, trying to recollect, "We were getting close, but...there was something..."

"A malevolent force occupies your land." Thor announced. "And it emanates from that accursed rock. Mortals such as yourself cannot withstand its presence."

"How long was I out?" Panther asked, still reeling.
Storm put a hand over his heart, "Several hours, and the asteroid has grown, much."

"Thor," T'Challa pleaded, "Do you have any idea what this thing is?"

The Asgardian stepped over to the window, his hammer swinging from his waist. "I have seen many things in the nine realms, increasingly so recently, for there has been much turmoil. But I have never encountered a thing like the one that threatens Wakanda now. I fear there is little chance that Midgard is capable of defending itself from such an evil."

"The world is under siege Thor." Storm interjected; "In the last two days, at least four gigantic beasts have appeared, throwing the planet into chaos. I fear that another lies in wait inside that terrible asteroid. And if it is as powerful as it is vile, the Earth itself could be consumed in a war against them."

Thor grimaced, the larger implications unsettling. "Indeed, Midgard is not immune to the upheaval plaguing the realms. We must waste no more time then."

Thor took Mjolnir in hand; "Stay here and raise the city's defenses. I will go out and put an end to this thing before it is unleashed."
He swung the hammer in a circle, and used it to propel him through the window, and far in the direction of the malefic space-rock.

"What if he fails?" Storm asked, still looking towards the window. T'Challa put his hand over hers, "If he fails... Then Wakanda will fight to the last breath."

Flying over the jungle, Thor was deeply disturbed by what he saw. With the snow and ice melted, the radius of desiccation had expanded since he had collected his blood-brother and the others. The trees and brush were dried to blackness, there was not even the smell of rotting vegetation. Nothing but death.

It might have been much more difficult to see the forest floor if not for the soft glow radiating from the asteroid, which now dominated the landscape. It pulsated with a ruddy pink light from its core, giving Thor the distinct impression that the host was preparing to emerge, which meant he had to destroy this thing as soon as possible.

Thor paused in the air, hovering above the meteorite. Despite the toughness granted by his Asgardian biology, and the strength of the Odinforce to protect against evil, he could feel the pervasive energy, like waves crashing against him.
"Wherever you are from, whatever you may be, you will bear your evil on this world no longer!"

He held Mjolnir above his head with both hands, thunder cracking in the sky and lightning streaking down to connect to the hammer. More bolts joined in, until more than a dozen separate arcs converged at the single point.

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