Toping Rogue

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Sting's POV

I fucking hate this.  Being home alone whilst my mate (doing a relatively decent paying job being at 20,000 jewel.) was out is a fucking nightmare. Well technically I was at home with Rogue who was also my mate but... still being in this situation with a burning desire for release and pleasure is annoying. Having slick running down your thighs endlessly and being completely horny is every man's dream... I hope you were smart enough to read SARCASM, cus some fucking aren't.

Anyways, currently me and Rogue are in our's and Y/N shared bedroom withering on the bed together, whilsts trying to relieve each other. Which, isn't helping when Rogue is definitely the most sensitive and needy out of us both... Oh, who am I kidding, get I'm just as bloody bad!
Rogue was getting teary eyed as his heat worsened by the minute. Both of us were completely striped and the windows in the room were open slightly, to allow fresh air in. Low whines left Rogue as I fingered him at a taunting pace whilst I was making out with him messily. Rogue had an arm lingering around my shoulders whilst another layer lazily around my midsection.
Unknown to us some had walked in.

None's POV

The Twin Dragon Slayers were messily making out and fingering each other to notice the dominant male watching. The male refused to disturb them at this moment as he stripped into something appropriate. Well more like nothing.
Not missing a beat the male decide to make himself known. As he was stripping. 

"Well, don't you boys look tasty." Two red faced Dragon Slayers glanced in his direction, their lips were still attached by two different saliva strings. Looks of surprise changed into relieved smiles as the male stood in front of them with just boxers.  

The dominant Dragon Slayer male took a few steps forwards and took their chins in between their fingers and examined their expressions. One thought was on his mind 'oh shit'. Y/N was going to need to take care of both of them at the same time. Both boys were dazed and drooling, whilst also panting somewhat heavily. Not a problem thou.

Rogue was the first to move, his hands latched onto Y/N's boxers and dragged them down so that Y/N's erection was freed from confinement and was standing tall. Both boys then got on all fours and lent forward, in hopes to try take said erection into their mouths which failed for obvious reasons. This caused the Twin Dragpns to pout cutely. Chuckle arised from Y/N as he coaxed Rogue to a sitting position and guided Sting mouth to his erection. Whilst in Rogue was in  the seating position  Y/N's lips desended onto his and kisses him feviourously., electing mewls and whimpers from the shadow dragon slayer.

Sting was too busy sucking on the erection to notice something moving behind him. Sting went ridged as something thick and warm slipped inside his passage slowly,  the sudden intrusion caused Sting to look over his shoulder to see a Y/N fully rooted inside him. Well not 'Y/N' because they guy had no scent, and also his appearance was darker, and the individual was unable to talk. A yelp of pain and surprise snapped him back into reality when Y/N's hand practically ripped his head of his erection. 

The male gave a half hearted glare as he glance down at Sting. "Bad boy, you bit me. Well I guess I know who's actually getting knotted by me tonight." A low whines escaped Rogue as the raven palmed his erection. A look of devotion was directed both toward the Twin Dragons.

"It's okay, it's okay Rogue calm down I'm here for both of you alright." He smiled as he guided Rogue onto the bed and lent on top of him to kiss him swallowing a cry of need. Whilst this occurred the clone within Sting moved at a teasing pace causing him to whimper and try to move his hips back.

A sharp cry of pleasure left Rogue as he wrapped his arms around Y/N's shoulders whilst the other male shiethed himself completely into his entrance. Y/N guided Rogue's legs onto his shoulder which resulted in the male gently yet powerfully thrusting into Rogue.
His speed picked up when Rogue sucked onto his sweet spot, this then elected silent screams of pleasure from the shadow dragon who helt on for dear life.

"S-So good, Y-Y/N please I want all of you cock!?!" The cry caught Sting's attention who currently was pinned to the bed by his shoulders as the duplicate behind him plowed and pounded his entrance. Sting was whimpering, moaning and sobbing at the powerfully thrusts the male duplicate was inflicting onto him.

"I'm right here Rogue, don't forget to breath their we go. Good boy." The male pulled Rogue onto his lap as he went faster and deeper into his entrance slamming into his sweet spot at every time. Rogue buried his face into Y/N's neck as he gave a muffled scream at the intense pleasure ripped from his body, as his cum splattered onto his and Y/N's chest. The dominant Dragon Slayer groaned as he released his essence deep into Rogue's body, and knotted him. This caused a wail to escape his lips a he clung more onto his mates shoulders.

At some point of the occurrence before the male duplicate had released and knotted Sting. The duplicate monuvred him and Sting so that they layer beside Y/N. The three males and one duplicate, drifted in a peaceful slumber till the Twin Dragon's Slayers would need Y/N's special care again.

Fairy Tail Male Dragon Slayers x Male Seme ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now