I Need To Leave.

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Andrew's POV

Why the fuck am I still here?

How is the group not sick of me?

I should just move back to Illinois and forget this life.

I. Need. To. Leave.

Those are the only words scattered through my mind at the moment. My dark bedroom engulfing me into a void that has been a recurring event ever since I was revealed to the world as Shane Dawson's mysterious cameraman. I knew it was going to happen sometime soon, but I wasn't ready. I can just remember that day vividly as I was just brought to the worlds attention. Millions of people know me.

My face.

My name.

My life.

I just wanted to stay in the shadows because I have a secret that no one nowadays would take seriously. A secret people would scuffle at since it'll make me look like I hate who I am, or more like who I like. That's right.

I'm bisexual... and I hate it.

Now I'm not homophobic because I have multiple friends that are queer. Even my best friend is gay, and that's the problem right there. Because that friend who I would die for is the reason why I'm bisexual. That motherfucker got into my head and he won't leave it. Causing me to be stuck with that butterfly feeling anytime that man walks into the room. Anytime that man laughs, my worries go away. The way that man has passion for the things he loves leaves me a blubbering mess. It's his god damn fault I'm in this place! This headset of just wanting to flee and run away from society.

Not because I'm mad that I'm bi.

Not because I hate my best friend for turning me bi.

But because I'm afraid.

I'm fucking terrified I'm going to lose him.

If he doesn't like me back, it will devastate me for some reason. Maybe because if he doesn't return the feelings then it'll fuck up our friendship, and I can't live without that man. Garrett is my sunshine through my dark days. When my body and mind decides to rain on my parade, he comes and lightens up the cloudy forecast. His smile shines so brightly that the muggy mood is immediately evaporated into thin air. His laugh blooms the flowers of joy inside me and exploding into a fit of laughter of mine. And those eyes... the electric blue pierces the soul that just ends up paralyzing me. His everything is my everything.

I just love Garrett Watts.

And that's why I'm packing my bags because I can't have these feelings. I need to just leave and sort myself out before anything gets too out of hand. I'm not permanently evacuating Los Angeles, but more like I'm taking a get away. I can't go back home because I need something fresh... but where?

Maybe I should go to Europe? Nobody would ever think that I would flee the country and I have family in Poland that I have yet to visit, so Poland it is.

During this time I had packed my bags with some left to go with tears trailing down my face the whole time. I take out my phone buying whatever ticket that has a flight going to Poland today and bought it. Not giving a fuck about the price because I work for Shane, so I'm not poor. Then that had me thinking.

I work for Shane and I'm just leaving with no notice.


With my phone still in my hand, I go to my contacts and press the call button on Shane.


buzz buzz


buzz buzz

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