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So as you can see, I've been dead.

Well that's because hell started and it ain't bad at the moment, but I can sense that I'm gonna lose my sanity soon.

So I'm sophomore rn in high school (don't know what that is for Europe or whatever so you do the work because fuck that) and I'm busy as hell. I have a block schedule so I only have 4 classes a day (band and choir alternating each day) so that ain't bad right? WRONG BITCHES!

I'm a fucking idiot and decided on taking a 5th hour class online after school hours... on top of being in tennis in the moment and softball in the spring. On top of the musical starting soon (i have auditions on Tuesday ahhhhhh). On top of that I'm in FBLA, Jazz Band, Drumline, and I'll probably do the play that's in the spring...

I'm also an animator on YouTube (thathappygoat if you are wondering cough COUGH) and I have to work on videos at least a few hours a day after school and practices and all...

So... I'm dead inside rn and I'm about to have a mental breakdown!

Long story short:

I'm taking hiatus bitches.

(I also feel like shit sick so fuck me!)

Andrett OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now