Hangover Hashbrowns

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[this is 2885 words that i didnt ENTIRELY proofread

oh and um

hi im back
gender neutral reader, i guess like, college age?]

The sun had come up hours ago, but the rays had just now traveled across the living room floor to rest flat across Teruteru's eyes. It fell over his face and onto the teal decorative pillow he had laid under his head without regards to comfort last night when he fell onto Chiaki's couch and immediately lost consciousness, five tequila shots in too deep four hours beforehand. The couch his little body had landed on was soft but not well worn in the spot he was laying in- there was a dip in the center by his feet where, undoubtedly, Chiaki usually sat to stare at the TV screen for hours on end, controller in hand, barely functioning as a person outside of moving her thumbs. He stretched one foot out weakly and felt it touch another- most likely Hinata or Chiaki, someone who sleeps without much fussing. If it was Mikan or Ibuki he was sharing a couch with, he would know from their squirming and kicking. If it was TWOGAMI... yea, they probably wouldn't both fit there.

Teruteru began to lift his head to maneuver away from the light, but it seemed to be everywhere. The blinds weren't pulled up but they weren't blackout either, and in the 9am sun he could see his friends; Hinata on the couch; Ibuki on the floor right next to it, partially under the table; Twogami over in the recliner, snoring loudly and seeming disheveled; Chiaki barely visible on the bed through the open door to the right of the living room; Mikan's wild legs apparently spooning her over the covers. They were all so close in the tiny two-bedroom apartment, all equally wrecked the night before, all exhausted in the morning hours. Teruteru surveyed the floor again, counting the bodies, seeing all his friends, except...

[Y/N]. Hm. They had been out with them too last night. He wondered how well he was going to be able to recall the events?

He wasn't so concerned about it now as he lifted his head to look for them. This was the apartment they shared with Chiaki, living room separated from the kitchen by merely a long counter that extended all the way towards the front door and held the sink, cabinets, and whatever else. The retro style fridge peeked out from the left side of it, and there Teruteru could see [Y/N] putting something away. He shifted, then stood, hearing his heart pound in his aching brain. He was thinking about his morning duties almost instinctively, as he was so accustomed to them after every wild night out- make the hangover food, greasy and cheesy and lowbrow like they all like it, and have it ready and warm before his friends emerge from their stupors like whining zombies. Have plenty of extras for Twogami, hot sauce for Ibuki no matter the food, plenty of water for everyone at Mikan's request. It's like clockwork most weekends, and he always finds himself eating last to assure maximum hangover remedying for his friends before he even plans on touching a sausage.

So here he moved towards the kitchen again, but stopped at the realization of the scent floating in the air towards him. It smelled.... delicious. Potatoes, eggs, a bit of cheese, and is that... chorizo? Who would've thought Chiaki would have chorizo?

He scuttered around the counter as best as he could without tipping over, and saw [Y/N], uncovering several cast iron skillets and sprinkling parsley onto each. They didn't notice Teruteru standing there, so he watched them for a moment, eyes squinting harshly in the light and hands a little sluggish as they carefully placed fresh avocado slices into the center of their masterpieces. He hadn't quite paused to look at them until this moment, and something caught him off guard about the way they held themselves, the way they nipped at their own lower lip without quite thinking about it, how they rubbed their fingers against their palm after touching each food to clean off the excess. They seemed very new to Teruteru all of a sudden. Newer than they had been before.

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