CHAPTER 5 - Mistakes

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Shit. Holy shit. Hell no!

She just said that she loves me in front of Jai after KISSING me, and Jai stormed out after calling her a slut because he's angry, but it turns out, she's so drunk that she thought I was JAI!

I mean, sure, it hurts to know she just admitted into loving my twin brother, but it hurts even more to know that Jai's heart just shattered into a million peices.

I was still shocked, so I had no clue what to do.

Well, first, I have to find Jai. Second, we've gotta get Lottie home. Third, we have to explain everything to Beau!

Then I just remembered she'd blacked out on the floor. I quickly picked her up and slung her over my shoulder, which was easy, since she was really light.

I carried her out of the washrooms, getting weird looks from people in the hallways, probably silently judging me. Rolling my eyes, I carried her through the noisy club, in hope to find Jai.


A half hour later, there was no sign of Jai. I was getting tired of carrying Lottie, even though she's as light as a feather.

I decided that Jai probably left the party. Even if he didn't, I needed to get Lottie back home.

I left the party, Lottie still hung over my shoulder. Now I'm in the middle of Melbourne Central.

I found a park bench and decided to lay her down on it and I'd lean against the bench, giving her all of the space to rest. I whipped out my phone and called Beau.


I was sitting in the living room, watching some tv and scrolling through twitter on my laptop, replying to fans.

I heard the front door being thrown open. Mum's working the night shift, just like Lottie's mum, and the boys are at the party and would've called to pick them up. Right?

I heard some footsteps and then the door being slammed shut. I heard some stomping and then I caught a glimpse of Jai, looking more angrier than I've ever seen, who ignored my questionning looks and stormed upstairs.

I heard his room door slam shut. Huh. What happened? Where's Luke and Lottie? Did he walk home? In the middle of the night?

My phone suddenly starting blarring out The Motto by Drake, my ringtone. I checked the caller ID. It was Luke.

I frantically accepted and put the phone to my ear. "LUKE! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO JAI?!" I asked.

"He's home?! Thank god," he sighed. "Yes, he is, and he looks PISSED! What happened?!" I asked.

"Look, long story short, I need you to come pick up me and Lottie. We're sitting on the bench beside the parking lot of the club. Come quick, okay?" he explained, out of breath.

"Sure, I'll be there in about ten," I replied. Before I left, I made one last tweet.

@BrooksBeau : Sorry guys! I g2g! Might be on again later tonight, love you all :) <3

I shut my laptop and grabbed my phone, flipping off the tv before I left.


I was scared to see what Beau's reaction would be when he finds out Lottie was drunk. Or if he hears the whole story.

I waited anxiously for Beau to come pick us up. After what seemed like forever, his familiar car pulled up beside us.

I picked Lottie up and carried her bridal style into the car. I placed her in the back and buckled up her seatbelt for her. I thought it'd be best if I sat with her instead of shotgun.

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