Chapter Two

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I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel... drying off before i applied suave lavender scented lotion to my body.  I took a deep breath inhaling the relaxing scent and moved to the mirror wiping the fog off with my hand.  I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste, brushed my teeth and gargled with listerine.  Gots to have that fresh breath because there is nothing more gross than funky breath.  Well, a sour ass and musty underarms is gross too but having someone in your face with stank breath smh.  And while I'm on the subject, is it just me or do people with bad breath seem to find every word in the world to use that emphasizes their breath?! Like 'Hey honey how you doing' 'What's up sexy'...and people with booboo breath always turn down gum and mints?  Like dude I'm not asking just for the hell of it...YOU NEED THIS!!  Anyway, i digress.

Walking into my bedroom i slide into a green bra and panty set before pulling a black sundress over my head and putting on a pair of strappy sandals.  I looked at my feet happy I'd gotten a pedicure after work yesterday.  I keeps my feet done winter, spring, summer and fall.  I hate wearing shoes in the house.  So clean floors and pretty feet are a must.  If i come to your house and take off my shoes, that means I'm comfortable and you have a clean house.

I stood in my bedroom mirror and turned from side to side checking myself out and running my hands through my small fro.  Yeah I'm a natural chick and i keep it short because it's easier to maintain.  I grabbed a pair of silver hoops and put them in my ears, checked my purse to make sure i had my id, bank cards and phone and walked to the front of my house just as the doorbell rang.

"Hey friend! You look pretty girl." I said greeting Tee with a hug. 
"Thank you friend, so do you."  Tee hugged me back.
I noticed two handsome guys standing behind her and cleared my throat.
"Oh!  Tem, this is my guy friend Jalen and his best friend Tony."  Tee introduced us as she held Jalen's hand.
"Nice to meet you."  I smiled trying not to stare at Tony.  The man was slap your daddy fine.  Yeah i said daddy cuz if i even thought about slapping my mother it would be the end for me.  Both guys spoke back and we all headed out the door.

"So, September, Tasha tells me you work in communications."  Tony said to me as we sat waiting for our drinks.  We had decided to eat at TGI Friday's which meant I would be ordering my favorite sizzling chicken and shrimp dish. 
"Yes, I'm actually the administrative assistant to the boss so i have my own office and do different tasks such as setting up appointments, going over employment applications, interviews etc.  Nobody can get to the boss unless they go through me first."  I laughed and took a sip of the liquid marijuana drink the waiter had just set in front of me.
"Oh so you pretty much run things huh." He said smiling.
"You could say that."  I looked over to see Tasha giggling as Jalen kissed her neck. "So what about you, what do you do?"
"I actually own my own body shop and i also own a tattoo shop."  Tony told me.

We all continued to make conversation through dinner.  When I say that shrimp hit the hit the spot.  After we finished eating Tasha and Jalen decided to disappear leaving Tony and I alone to talk until they returned.

"So, Tony, I hear you're here looking for a house?"  I asked.
"Yeah I was looking for a new location to open my next tattoo shop and what better place than Memphis TN."  He smiled.
"Wow how long have you been tatting?"
"Well, i started drawing when I was in school and when I got older and started getting in a little trouble my moms boyfriend would take me to the shop with him to help keep me out the streets.  Now don't get me wrong, I still have street in me but I learned there's a time and a place."  He leaned back in his chair and ran a hand over the deep waves in his hair. 

I love a man with waves.  I studied Tony as he sat there.  He was caramel complexion, about 6'3, nice build but not too big.  I could tell he worked out because Lawd those arms smh.  And he could dress too. 

"So, you guys what's up are you enjoying each other's company?"  Tasha asked as she and Jalen approached the table smiling.
"Actually we are and where did the two of your nido off too?"  Tony asked.
"Oh!  We just needed to talk about something man."  Jalen kissed Tee's neck as she blushed.

These two are something else.  Once the guys paid the bill and we left the restaurant, we decided to go down on Riverside and take a walk.  It was nice outside and breezy for the beginning of August.  Once we made it back to my house, Tony got out and walked me to my door.

"I really enjoyed your company you mind if i get your number and call you sometime?"  He asked taking my hand.
"I don't mind at all."  I gave him my number and as i turned to unlock my door he leaned down and kissed my cheek.  Once i was safely inside I peeked out the window to see him walking back to Jalen's truck and get inside.  What a night.

Hello guys...this is my first attempt at writing a book publicly...i usually write personal short stories as a little hobby but decided to give it a patient with'll get better 😊

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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