Chapter 9 🦔

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Victor's POV:

"Come down, Miss Roxy!" I shouted, shaking the tree she was in.Wow, she is just as stubborn as a cat! "You know I can uproot this tree." Roxanne went stiff as I shook the tree harder this time. A scream erupted as she fell from the branches and into my arms. "Ow!" I dropped her and looked to see quills in my arms.

"Miss Roxy!" She silenced me with a look. "Please, just don't touch me!" she shrieked. "I'm so sorry. I have to go!" And with that, she took off running probably to the loop entrance. I knew it. I was rushing things. It's just like Bronwyn tells me: love doesn't happen all at once. It takes time and it takes work. Now, because of me, Roxanne might never come back.

You might be wondering how long I've had this crush on Roxanne. Well, it all started when I first laid eyes on her the day they came to the house. Everything about her is beautiful; her dark hair with quills in the front, her grey eyes that someone could get lost in, the dimples in her cheeks, even her clothes are interesting. I'm not like Horace; I'm not particular about what a person is wearing, but that purple shirt really brings out her eyes. I'm used to my sister's tomboy style, so I'm used to a girl wearing trousers, but trousers that short? At least she has good legs.

Her personality is so wonderful, too. Roxanne is a girl who knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. Yet, she may be a bit controlling, but I like that in a girl. A relationship like that isn't easy, but after tonight, I might never see her again. "Hey, Victor!" I felt a tug on the leg of my trousers. Lance was starring at me, his grey eyes wide. How did he even get here that fast?

"What are you... chewing?" I asked him. Lance showed me a small pink package that said "Bubblegum". Written on the back of the package were the words "Property of RS". I assumed this gum belonged to Miss Roxy, but I still asked Lance where he got it from. "Snatched it right out of my sister's pocket while she wasn't looking," the eight-year-old said proudly. "Want some?" He held out a stick, hoping I would take it. I did.

I felt guilty about chewing the gum that belongs to the girl I like, but at the same time, the brother of the girl I like wanted me to have it. Then again, it's not even his to give away. "Okay," said Lance, "Here are the rules. Number one: Never tell anyone where you got this gum. Number two: Never let Roxanne catch you with the pack or she will blow a fuse. Number three: There is no rule number three."

After that was said, Lance blew a bubble. What's funny was the face he was making as he did, trying to look serious but looking constipated instead. He really knows how to amuse people. "Can I spend the night?" Lance asked between chews.

"If Miss P will allow it, you can." Lance let out a loud yawn, causing the gum to fall out of his mouth. I picked him up and carried him to bed. I believe he might have fallen asleep on me.


The following day, Lance said he wanted to show me something. Effortlessly, he climbed a nearby tree. "Roxy and I love to climb trees," he shouted. That explained a lot. No wonder Roxanne's first response to fear is to climb a tree. My thoughts were broken when someone appeared in the distance. Roxanne!

I ran over to her, but something was wrong. Roxanne was staring at her shoes, which is strange because she always meets a person's eyes when speaking to them. "What's wrong, Miss Roxy?" I asked her. Slowly, she raised her head, revealing a large bruise on her right cheek. Ouch!

"Dad was mad at me last night," she stated in a monotone. "I didn't bring Lance with me, so he slapped me across the face."

"Why would he do that?"

The porcupine girl rolled her eyes. "Because he expects more from me." Her hands were trembling as I took them. "About last night," I said, "I'm so sorry if I was rushing things." A hand went up; Miss Roxy was trying to silence me. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. All of that happened so fast, I couldn't help but overreact." She grabbed my shoulders. Wow, I thought I had a strong grip.

"Listen, Victor, it may not look like it, but I'm under a lot of stress. My dad is putting so much pressure on me to become a doctor and follow in his footsteps. Add Lance into that mix and I'm this close to a breakdown." She held up her hand, her thumb and forefinger millimeters apart from each other. "When you told me you love me last night, that was it for me. I snapped. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I said, smoothing her quills. "I should have known better, but what I said was true. I do love you. Would you, maybe... want to..." Before I could finish, Roxanne turned away. "Just give me some time to think about it," she mumbled. And with that, Miss Roxy ran to the house, clutching what appeared to be an envelope.


A/N: Hello, my dreamers. What did you think of the chapter told from Victor's perspective? Are you rooting for him to end up with Roxanne? What do you think Roxanne will decide? Who it the letter from? So many questions, it boggles my mind. If you like the chapter, don't forget to comment because I need the feedback. Until next time, this Aislynn, Queen of Dreams, signing out.

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