Chapter 5

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Ameena POV:

"What did you think?" Maryam asked rubbing her belly. We were now in my room talking privately.

"I don't know I need to pray to Allah. He knows best." I replied.

"Okay but you must have some idea." She said looking around the room.

"Maryam!" I snapped laughing slightly.

"Ow." She yelled clutching her stomach. She then got my hand and squeezed it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Go call Rayhan; please." She yelled once again. There was water all around her and I froze for seconds.

"I'm not leaving you by yourself in this state. Rayhan!" I yelled loudly. I said his name a couple of times before he eventually came in with my mum and dad. He took her hands and gave me a phone with his only available hand. Maryam kept and screaming in pain. She either screamed for Rayhan or said Allah name.

"Ring an ambulance quickly." He rushed. I rang the ambulance and they said they're were on there way.

"Rayhan!" Maryam yelled squashing Rayhan hands.

"Allah!" She yelled again.

"Aaaahhh!" She screamed.

"Rayhan they said they're coming but tell her to sit down and take deep breaths." I said.

"You've been having contractions all day. I told you we should have gone to the hospital. Deep Breaths come on do it with me." Rayhan continued making her sit down and breath.

"Rayhan the baby's coming... we're going to be parents . Aaaahhh! " She screamed. She had delight and pain in her eyes when she said that.

We were pacing inpatiently in the hospital when Dad came back from praying Asr and told us to go to the prayer room to pray. Meanwhile Dad sat outside waiting, We prayed our Asr and did dua for Maryam and the baby.

As soon as we arrived Dad ran upto Mum and hugged her.

"Mubarak! (congratulations) You're a grandma." He said with delight all over his face. Mum was shocked but happy at the same time.

"You have a nephew and I have a grandson." He continued hugging me this time. It took a while to sink in but we hugged each other once again. I hugged Mum before running inside the room where Maryam was. Maryam looked so tired but happy whilst holding the baby's hand because Rayhan was holding the baby.

I gave Maryam a hug and so did Mum. Mum was the first one to take her off Rayhan as Rayhan repeated the adaan. (call to prayer) in his ear. This is because we believe that the first words a baby should hear are the words of God.

"Allahu- akbar, Allahu-akbar (Allah is great)." He continued with the rest of the beautiful words.

Dad then took him in his arm with tears falling from his face.

"Honey!" Mum said taking out honey and Dad took a little bit on his little finger and made him suck on it. It was so amazing Alhamdulliah. This was Sunnah to do which was why we did it.

"My little Rayhan." He cried as my mum closed the honey and put it on the side. Me, Maryam and my mum chuckled whilst Rayhan sighed.

"I'm not little anymore; I'm a dad. I've got a son. Maryam we're parents." He said slowing down each sentence. I think it finally sunk in that he was now a dad. He hugged Mum with tears of joy in his eyes.

I then took the baby.

"Maryam he's so beautiful Mash'allah. He got it from you." I winked. Rayhan coughed and I pretended like I didn't hear him and laughed silently to myself.

"Come on mum! Maryam looks tired. Let her rest." I ushered. My Mum kissed her forehead.

"Dad-tomorrow- the restaurant." Rayhan stuttered holding Maryam hand like always.

"Its fine." Dad smiled passing the baby back to Rayhan. Rayhan got his phone out and took a picture of the baby before uploading it on whatsapp as his profile picture. I did the same and left the hospital with my mum and dad.

"My grandson going to be so spoilt. No one can say anything to him or shout at him." Mum said I scoffed and laughed at the same time.

When we arrived home. I knocked next door to tell my Auntie and Uncle the news.

Khadija who was my age answered the door. As soon as she opened the door I hugged her.

"Rayhan's a dad." She smiled as soon as she saw me. It's funny how our relationship was she could read my mind.

"Boy or girl?" She continued.

"Boy! Are you going to let me in." I eventually said. I then told everyone in the house and told them to come over to my house soon. I showed them a picture of him and after talking for a long time a fall call from mum came so I left the house.

As soon as I entered my mum told me to sit down.

"I know you're so happy; I am too but Muhammad?" Mum said in a delightful tone. Dad was making phonecalls to our relatives in the next room.

"I almost forgot; after Isha I'm going to ask Allah In'sha'allah (if Allah wills)." I replied to her.

Rayhan came home for a while to pray Asr whilst Maryam was sleeping. Straight after Asr he went back. He also prayed a nafil salaah (optional prayer) to thank Allah for blessing them with a son.

He also came back at Magrib and Isha time. He never went back after because visiting time had over. Straight after Isha I prayed Istikharah (a prayer which you ask god for guidance; eg. marriage- should I marry him or not?) and went to sleep on my right side. In my dream I was in a wedding dress with a scarf on praying a prayer behind Muhammad (which was one of my dreams when I got married).

When I woke up for Fajr I had a smile on my face. I then knew I was ready for marriage with Muhammad in'sha'allah.

Authors note:

I'm going to update more often. The story does get more interesting I promise. vote/comment and tell me what you think.

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