Chapter 19

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Ameena POV:

"Ice cream!" Khalid and Sara yelled running towards me and Muhammed to give us a hug.

Me and Muhammed smiled before joining  Dad and Rayhan in the living room. Yahya and Yusuf were playing on the carpet with a ball finding enjoyment in passing it to each other.

"Khalid you've got ice cream all over you-come here." Muhammed laughed taking out tissues from his pockets to wipe Khalid's face.

"Auntie Ameena have I got any ice cream on my face?" Sara asked me. I shook my head and her and Khalid continued to eat their ice cream.

"Where's Mum and Maryam?" I asked scanning the room.

"In the Kitchen." Rayhan and Dad answered in unison.

"Dad I'm really sorry but me and Ameena still have to pray our Asr. Is it okay if we go upstairs to pray?" Muhammed said to Dad as he laughed.

"You didn't even need to ask. It is your house as well Muhammed."

We both went upstairs and headed for my old room. As I entered the room  everything was exactly how it was when I left it.

I just stood in the middle of the room looking at it until Muhammed asked me; "Where's the Musal-lah (prayer mat)?"

"First draw on your right." I replied he opened the draw and gave me a Musal-lah too.

"Ja'zak'allah." I said to him.

"Ameen." He replied as he opened up his Musal-lah and prayed in front of me. I finished my prayer and saw Muhammed packing up his Musal-lah I quickly stoppped him.

"Why don't we pray Nafil (optional) Salaah too?"

He smiled at me and kissed me on my forehead which started to give me butterflies in my stomach.

"What was that for?" I gave a cheesy smile which I felt so stupid about when I actually realised.

"For reminding me. I normally pray Nafil every day to thank Allah for having you in my life and it just completely slipped my mind. From now on I guess I'm going to have to pray a extra one for the little one." He explained.

I just looked at him and thought to myself- Can this amazing man can get any more amazing and if I could fall in love with him any more then I already had done?

"Come on then are you not going to pray?" Muhammed smiled turning around to pray his Nafil.

I smiled back and stood on the musal-lah to pray too. When we finished I just looked at the room and it brought back past memories. From my childhood to my grandma passing away when I was a teenager. Maryam going into labour in this very room. Saying goodbye to my family. My whole life was associated with this house.

Only one thing kept me from crying and that was all Muhammed. In between all of these memories I kept thinking about his smile. The selfless things he would say and do which would make me fall in love with him even more. I knew I had to make new memories with him without forgetting all the other memories I made.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah just thinking." I replied getting up to pick up the musal-lah to place it back into the draw along with Muhammad's musal-lah.

"You're a very deap thinker aren't you." He laughed taking my hand and saying "Come on let's go down."

We headed downstairs to see that my mum had prepared food for me and Muhammed.

"Mum and Maryam you didn't have to you know." I smiled.

"I wanted to Ameena." My mum smiled passing me and Muhammed a plate.

"Ja'zak'allah." Me and Muhammed said in unison then smiled at each other.

"Mum, Maryam sit down." Rayhan said getting up and pulling out a chair. Maryam smiled at him and sat next to him on the sofa.

"He's grown really fast Maryam." I said picking Yusuf up and putting him on my lap.

"I know. I was talking to Rayhan about that yesterday. You'll see how fast they grow for yourself Ameena." She replied

"Muhammed How's the hotel planning been?"  Rayhan asked Muhammed.

"Alhamdulliah I've just got to sort out staff really." He responded.

"How's it like at the restaurant?" He continued.

"Ameena you'll never guess who's in town." My mum said over their conversation.


"Aleena from college. She came over to the house and asked if you were home. I can't believe you never told her you were getting married. " Mum said to me.

"Really. She won't mind plus she was on holiday mum." I laughed.

We continued talking untill Talha rang Muhammed asking where we were.

"We better go now. Ja'zak'allah." Muhammed said putting his cup on the table.

"Ameen." Rayhan replied.

"I'll just get the kids to put their coats on." Muhammed said walking away giving me a sympathetic smile.

Mum, Dad and Maryam all came to hug me. Even though I didn't like leaving them I knew I had to go back to reality.

"Auntie Ameena do we have to go?" Sara asked with Khalid by her side we all smiled and looked down at them. Rayhan went to pick them both  up.

"Sorry but I think Auntie Ameena and Uncle Muhammed have got a suprise for all of you."

Their eyes widened and as soon as Rayhan put them down they ran straight towards the car.

"Be careful." I yelled and laughed at the same time.

"Yahya's all ready to go now too." Muhammed beamed picking him up.

"I'll see you soon In'sha'allah." I said walking towards the door. I then went to the back to fasten their seatbelts and made sure they were sitting in their booster seats.

"What's the suprise?" Khalid and Sara kept asking on the way back home. Yahya clapped his hands and started laughing too.

"We will find out when we get home." I smiled.

As soon as we parked the car and took their seatbelts off Khalid and Sara they ran out the car and stood by the house door.

"I think we should put them out their misery. Open the door for them. Please." I laughed taking Yahya out the car. Muhammed turned around and chuckled before approaching them.

"Uncle Muhammed... Please... open the door." Khalid pleaded.

That comment made me chuckle. I put Yahya down onto the floor and held his hands.  I only did this as my back was hurting.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Sara screamed running towards them to give them a hug.  Khalid did the same.

"Mama! Dada!" Yahya said walking to them and falling down in the process. That didn't stop him though he started crawling to them. Until Talha picked him up.

"Ja'zak'allah for lookin after them. We really appreciate it. Seriously." Aysha said to us.

"Ameen. It was a pleasure." I replied.

Authors Note:

I can't tell you all how grateful I am to you all seriously. 

TBH I thought about this chapter alot. I was going to make something which will happen in further chapter happen in this chapter. However I decided to delay that for a while.

Hope you're all enjoying the 'moments' they have. I try to make their moments similar to real life love stories.

Vote comment tell me what you think.

How's 2014 been? 2015 in two days who knows what that holds. In'sha'allah it'll be a good year for all of us X

Sorry for any typos :p

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