Chapter 13- A Frozen Past of Grief

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Ominous shadows drenched the cold stone floor with a cold, black choke as Skywatcher and Tide Breaker made their way carefully up the cracked staircase that lead to the second story of Umbra's foreboding castle. Only the quiet labored breathing of the two ponies's breathing touched the pegusus's pricked ears. It seemed awfully eerie to Skywatcher that no other noise echoed throughout the castle. Not even a hoofstep. She shivered slightly against the chill and briefly wondered how far her friends had gotten. Oh please let them be safe, she prayed silently.

"Great Celestia," complained Tide Breaker in a hushed tone. "How are we supposed to find Umbra Shadow in this darkness? Heck, that brute could be hiding right behind us for all we know. I can't see beyond my own nose!"

Skywatcher swiveled her ears, trying to pick up any traces of sound. But no sound came. "Shhh...Tide Breaker. Umbra could be anywhere, so try to whisper."

Tide Breaker's breath quickened. "Right, sorry." A moment later however, he resumed. "Don't you think it's a little weird that there's no other guards lurking through here? I thought for sure that we were better left for dead when we got here, but now I'm not so sure."

A prickle of suspicion trickled it's way into Skywatcher's thoughts. The castle was oddly empty, even for this part of the building. Not to mention this dragging silence and unbelievable darkness, thought Skywatcher. It's as if they're trying to scare us out.

After a few more moments of silent climbing, a flicker of light met Skywatcher's blue eyes. Her hooves met steady floor, and she squinted to see another hallway in front of her blanketed in soft red carpet. The walls were made of some kind of gray stone shaped into squares, and large wooden torches were lined evenly along either side, illuminating new light into the apathetic structure. At the very end of the hallway was a massive dark silver door with laces of steel lining the edges. But once again, no guards. A sense of foreboding filled Skywatcher from hooves to ear tips. If this isn't the entrance to Umbra's throne room, I don't know what is.

Suddenly, a crashing noise followed by a flutter of wings sounded from downstairs, making Skywatcher nearly leap out of her coat. The rapid beating of her own heart roared in her ears. She briefly heard Tide Breaker gasp next to her. "What was that?!" he yelped.

Skywatcher struggled to relax her tightened muscles. "I don't know," she managed to puff at last.

"Guards?" Tide Breaker's voice was strained with fear.

Skywatcher shook her head in confusion. "Should we go check it out?"

"No. You stay here and make sure the coast is clear. I'll go look at it."

Skywatcher reached out and grabbed his hoof with a stab of alarm. "You can't!" she hissed at her companion. "It's too dangerous. Besides, Phoenix told us to stay together!"

Tide Breaker blinked at her. "It's ok. It'll only be for a few minutes. And in case anything happens down there, I want to you to be kept you safe."

Before Skywatcher could make a move, Tide Breaker was already rushing down the stairs to begin the isolated search. She bit back the rising wave of fear in her belly and began to inch her way forward to the heavy door at the end of the hallway. Ignoring the pounding beat of her heart, she kept her eyes fixed on the door, careful not to make any noise with her steady stepping. I think I'll be ok...


A shadow fell over Skywatcher as the sound of wings came again, this time more raucous than before. She halted, pricking her ears for any more signs of movement. A strange and appalling emotion fell over her, and her skin crawled with the sense of being watched. Somepony was close.

Drops of FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora