- Chapter 3 - After the encounter. -

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Watchpoint Gibraltar ; 7:00pm

They had won, they protected the substance, it had been relocated to a secret science facility. One that Morrison can trust, Vishkar agents hasn't been identified. But to keep their peace, they said nothing. Olivia was suspected, so did Amelie. But that didn't stop them from leaving, Angela and the other medics were busy tending all injuries. Amelie and Olivia stayed in the treatment area, Olivia and Amelie were close friends. But Amelie felt no emotion, but she knows she wanted to get out of that.. organization.

"Are you ready to be Amelie again?" Olivia said to Amelie. "I suppose, but how will I feel emotion? What they did, it cannot change that." Amelie said, her voice showed no trace of emotion nor feeling. "Well, therapy can help. First, we need to get your skin colour back to normal." Olivia explained. "They brainwashed you, they ran tests. It's up to you whether you want to feel emotion or not." Olivia finally said. Hana came with some coffee, she set it down on the table in front of them. "Got what you ordered." She smiled, Olivia wrapped an arm around her girlfriend. "Gracias mi amor" she implanted a kiss on her forehead. "How's Lena?" She asked "Heard something happened."

Hana thought for a moment "Not to Lena, but to Emily. Emily.." Hana paused for a moment. "Something happened to Emily, Lena said a Moira had something to do with it." Olivia stared at her cup of coffee. 'The orb. She got to her, it was supposed to be a target for one of the Overwatch agents, why on a normal girl? She can't-' "via.. Olivia!" another woman's voice called her. "Wha.. yeah?" She looked up to see a nurse standing in front of her. "Any injuries?" Olivia shook her head "Just.. take Amelie, she needs special treatment." She said. "Ah, the Assassin. Well, come this way." The nurse and Amelie walked away, with the nurse asking her questions. "Come on, let's go. I don't want to be here longer then I should be." She said as the two walked away.

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