Baby Shower

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Phil's POV

    "Dan,it's time to cut the cake!" I shout to my boyfriend.He waddles his way through the somewhat large banquet hall.He stands beside me with a smile on his face.We hold the handle of the knife at the same time and carefully make the first cut into the cake.It was bright pink.

    "It's a girl!" I yell to everyone as I hug Dan and kiss him all over.

    "Wow,a baby girl!" Dan kisses me in the cheek.Chris hands me the camera that he used to record everything.Louise uncovers all her decorations with pink girly bows everywhere.Everyone sits down and eats the strawberry flavored cake.

    "Louise,this cake is great!And the amazing decorations!" I told the blonde girl.

    "Thanks!Where did Dan go,didn't you want to pop the question?" She whispered her last question.

    "Shit.Hey,Chris,can you find Dan and bring him here?" I asked Chris, who was just finishing up his cake.

    "Sure!Be right back!" Chris takes off and within a matter of minutes Dan waddles over to me.His hand pressed to his back,he kisses my check.

    "Are you alright,love?" I whisper to him.

    "Yeah,just getting some bad pains..." He mumbles,rubbing his back.

    "Dan,can I ask you something?"

    "Yeah,sure.Go for it."

    "Remember back in 2012 when you got us promise rings?"

    "Yeah.I still have it."

    "We'll I though it was time for an upgrade from it." I get on one knee, and open the velvet box.Dan covers his mouth as I await an answer. Tears escape his eyes as he opens them.

    "What did you think I'd say?"

    "Is...Is that a no?"





    "Phil Lester,of course I'll marry you!" He showers me with kisses.

    "Jeez,I was so worried for a second there."

    "Why would I ever say no?"

    "I doubt myself sometimes too, you know.I love you,Dan Howell. Soon to be Dan Lester." I get up and kiss him.Everyone around us start to clap,and eventually they go their separate ways.

(Sorry this ones so short)

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