Chapter 1: Trainee

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Monday - 5:56 pm

I came from school, I did 2 hours of homework and then went straight to JYP to train. I've been a trainee for 3 years now and I was still hoping to debut as a solo artist.

"Heeyoung," Ms. Park the dance teacher called me, "You're off beat again."

"De," I nodded my head and they repeated the song.

1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 ... 7, 8.


Her phone rang, "Keep practicing, I just have to answer this," she said towards us trainees and walked out of the room.

I took a deep breath and started again.

Tuesday - 2:34 am

"Good job, you're dismissed," Ms. Park said and everyone else started to leave, but I stayed.

"Heeyong-ah, we're going to eat ramyun," Eun-Ae said as she stood by the door.

"Next time," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't stay too long, Heeyoung fighting!" she said and left with the others.

I stretched a bit and then started the dance routine again. 3 years, 5 months and 3 days of training. I will debut, someday.

4:39 am

I was lying down on the floor exhausted. I had to get up soon to practice again, but for now I'll rest.

I close my eyes and took in deep breaths.

School, sing, dance, act, dorm and repeat. This is my life.

I open my eyes and I'm startled to see a face, "Ya!" I said moving away and he had a smirk on his face.

"Practicing late again?" he stood up straight as I was just sat on the floor.

Hwang Hyunjin, one of the boy trainees. Also known as the boy who couldn't take a hint.

I stood up and walked to get my bag.

"If you need help, I can help you," he said as I packed my things, "Heeyoung-ah," he put his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it instantly.

"Night," I said and walked out of the dance studio.

4:45 am

"You're back earlier than usual," Eun-Ae said as I entered our shared bedroom.

"Hyunjin," I said as I plopped down on my bed.

"I really don't understand why you don't like him," I stare at Eun-Ae who was sat by her desk, "He's good-looking, hard-working and he likes you."

"It's not I don't like him, I just don't have the time to talk to anyone, I need to focus," I said as I turned my body to face the wall.

"You talk to me," I felt Eun-Ae sit on my bed, "Why not talk to him?"

I sighed and turned around, "It's different okay. I can't waste time trying to get to know someone," I said and Eun-Ae smiled.

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