Diagnosis Ten

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Chapter 10

After eating delicious noodles, we all decided to head back towards the hospital. Taehyung suggest be played board games before sleeping— I of course didn't deny. I couldn't help but want to spend more time with them.

We all agreed on playing Monopoly but we all were paired into groups of two. I was paired with Jungkook, since we were both the youngest— I didn't mind though.

We all sat on the floor in our pajamas talking happily to each other. I completely forgot about the world around me, the people in front of me making me laugh harder than I ever had before. Hoseok began doing foolish dance moves as he beating us all with his partner Jimin.

I clapped my hands enthusiastically as everyone began joining his dance session— even Yoongi. They all began to sing and dance around— making me smile.

Hoseok leaned down in front of me, stretching his hand out for me. I looked at him surprisingly as I felt my face heating up again. They always seemed to make me feel flustered.

"I-I can't dance..." I muttered, looking away from the god of dance himself. Hoseok let out a loud laugh, smiling brightly as he grabbed my hand instead. He pulled me up with him, holding onto both of my hands.

"That's fine, I guess I'll just gave to teach you myself." He slid his feat under mine, before he started waltzing around in a circle— making sure not to get my drip cords tangled or pulled out.

I couldn't help but laugh as we dance around, completely forgetting about the others as Hoseok continued to smile at me. It felt amazing to be look at like you were important, it made me feel emotions I never thought I would feel.

Soon our dance session came to an end as Jin offered his hand towards me.

"May I have a dance with her?" Jin asked towards Hoseok. Reluctantly Hoseok let go of my hands, bowing gracefully towards Jin as if we were in a ballroom. Jin smile before grabbing my hands.

"I hope you know I can't dance Jin-Oppa." I looked away, feeling embarrassed at his intense gaze. Jin was almost thirty centimeters taller than me and his broad shoulder made him look so manly and handsome.

Jin leaned down, his face becoming really close to mine and he began whispering something in my ear. I felt my face burn extremely from the small gap between us two. I swore my heart would give out any minute.

"It's okay I can't either."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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