Esa & Okune MIYOZO

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     "Everyone knows im the better sister, Okune just gets in everyone's way"!!

She tells her mother. "Esa that is no way too speak about your sister... I love you both equally"!!!

"Well father doesn't think that... he tells me all of the time"!!!

The girl's father is spying on them. He takes a real interest in Esa.

Soon.... The two children have too learn how too fend for themselves when they've gotten word that their parent's have died overseas.

Their grandparents live all the way in stae village and it is too dangerous too cross the chasm.

So.. they do what any siblings would do alone in the house all day... fight!!!

Okune"I hate you..urghh why do i even try conversing with you shit"!!!

Esa"W -Whatever like i care"!!

Esa who could not take control of her power shoots shards of rocks everywhere. A metal shard from the earth that came from the palace's balcony  landed into her sisters shoulder and stomach.

She cryed out in pain. The fuedal lord saw for himself as her earth styled hands shot rocks from the window onto people's houses, into their faces even the infants cried in pain!!!

The guards were furious.

"Youu why are your kit gloves off"!!?

"Um.. i don't know maybe becausr Okune a HID THEM"!!!

"You scoundrel you know very well your sister has nothing too do with this"!!

"Hmmph i'll give you one more chance too get this curse... under control or your banned from this village FOREVER"!!!

"Aghkh hagha oww"!!! Okune fakes the pain as it secretly melts away from her body.

"We need a medical ninja"

"I'll get one just-"

"It's okaay.... urfgh i think it's burning oo oww"!!!

The guards head out too sunagakure.

"That's the LAST STRAW... Execute Princess Esa almost queen Immediately!!!"

Esa ran as fast as she could through the whole village. Mysteriously the villagers looked unhumanly.

       Everyone who she ran past were whispering up  deadly ways on how she should die.

Luckily for her, She was the best runner in the whole entire village!!!

She created an underground hole and ran through their.

It was very queit.

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