Part 2

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Kim's POV

To say that Cheryl and Ashley are in love would be lying.. They seem to kind of linger around each other, making awkward eye contact. From the outside looking in you would think they're happily married, and love each other unconditionally. They are making me reconsider my major and become a marriage counselor. I laughed to myself as we sat at the dinner table already dreading the awkwardness, although Cheryl bless her is trying. Its been 2 weeks since I have adjusted to my stay, Cheryl is a wonderful person she's so eager to make me welcome and is always checking on me to see if I am okay with everything

"What you laughing at?" Cheryl asked smiling already; She seems to do that a lot when she is speaking to me

"Just remembered something, this dinner is gorgeous Cheryl thank you" I said digging into the grilled steak and mash potatoes. Ashley began to chuckle shaking his head

"Something funny?" I asked smiling politely at him, although I wasn't all that comfortable around him. He usually came home in time for dinner, but barely said a word so it was just spent with me and Cheryl chatting away

"You actually think she made this?" He said continuing to laugh, although I didn't find the humor in it

"Um.." I coughed uncomfortably, I looked over at Cheryl not really knowing what to say but she gave me a weak smile in return going back to her dinner avoiding the topic

"Well, I still think its lovely" I shrugged winking at her getting a shy smile in return

"I want you to meet the girls later on this week" Cheryl said changing the subject. Thank god.

"When? Because I have exams already this week and I'll already begin my hardcore study sessions" I could almost see the disappointment in her eyes. Rejection? I didn't reject her. School does come first, although I was a bit keen to meet the friends she never seemed to shut up about.

"Oh, well I guess you can meet them after your exams" She said reassuring me with a smile, but I could see it in her eyes she was disappointed from another rejection, another person letting her down

"No I want to meet them this week" I said bringing back the sparkle in her eyes

"Really?" She asked almost not believing me


"Don't get your hopes up they're not all that fun" Ashley said ruining the little moment we had

"Ashley, enough" She sighed

"Just giving her a warning" He said laughing while putting his hands up in protest


Kim's POV

"Kim I need a girls opinion, which dress? This one or this one?" Cheryl said barging into my room holding up two dresses. One thick strapped white knee length dress, and a strapless little black dress

"Well depends, what's the occasion?" I asked putting my pen down and giving her my full attention

"Ashley wants to take us out for dinner" She said full beam on display, she was genuinely happy and I wasn't sure why? Her husband should always be taking her out on dinner dates

"Well why don't you go try them on? And ill give you my opinion?" I asked

"I don't want to waste your time" She said looking at anything but me

"No don't worry, you won't be wasting my time! Go on try them on" I smiled encouraging her to go into my ensuite and put the first dress on. I couldn't help but smile to myself at how happy she looked in that moment. I guess its true when they say a smile can lighten up a whole room, and hers would be proof

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