Part 14

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Kim's POV

"Come to my room once everyone's asleep" I whispered to Cheryl brushing my fingers against hers walking past her and up to my bedroom

I waited, and waited. I didn't know what to say, but all I knew was I just wanted to hold her and kiss her. It felt like a lifetime waiting for the love of my life, my everything to come into my room and take my breath away once again. I didn't want to make it sound like some soppy tragic love story, but I had to tell her. I needed to get this off my chest. If she turns me away and tells me that she doesn't love me and this was all but a game for her then so be it. I didn't care, I had to be honest to her and myself.

"Kimba?" I heard her whisper as she came into my room. I walked out of the ensuite and just stood there, not knowing what to do. So I just took in the sight of her, she was absolutely gorgeous. Even with not an ounce of makeup on, in her trackies and jumper and hair tied up into a messy bun. I found myself walking to her, almost as if a magnetic force was pulling us to each other; never breaking eye contact

"You look so beautiful" I breathed out my forehead resting against hers

"Stop talking crap, I look like sh-" I cut her off with a kiss, she needed to cut the crap.

"Mmm" she groaned as I kissed her lips harder, I could feel her lips begging to be opened; wanting, no - needing to be opened, needing to feel my tongue snaking against her own. I gave in and let her force her tongue into my mouth kissing me like it was her first and last.

"I need to talk to you - Cheryl - mmmm" She didn't let me finish as she forced her tongue back in, kissing me with so much hunger, so much want and need. Her hands clasped around my neck pushing me in closer to her; our bodies pressed together as we stand in the middle of my room. The outside world becoming a blur, everything that mattered stood right here within these four walls.

"Baby-" She was putting up a fight, it's like she didn't want me to talk. She didn't want me to do anything with my lips but kiss her. So I forced my lips away from hers, putting some distance between us. She stood there panting; opening up her lustful eyes

"I need to talk to you" I repeated calmly

"W-What do you need to talk to us about?" She asked, fear lacing in her voice. Maybe she thought I wanted to end this little 'fling' 'affair' what ever you wanted to call it

"I feel really uncomfortable standing in the middle of this big room, whispering everything.. just - come with me?" I asked holding my hand out which she gladly accepted with no hesitation what so ever. I led her into my wardrobe room shutting the door behind me. Alone, silence, not a word being exchanged. I could practically hear her heartbeat beating against her beautiful chest

"Sit down Chezza" I said sitting myself down on the cream colored carpet pulling her down with me

"I want us both to be honest with each other" I said, she was fidgeting in her spot. She was nervous.

"Can you be honest with me baby?" I said making sure to use the pet names, needing to put her mind at ease. She nodded her head, suddenly her eyes filling up with tears

"No - come here" I said pulling her onto my lap and leaning my back against the closed door. Her arms snaking around my waist as her head lay against my chest. It was something we have both come to enjoy. This position exactly, me holding her as she allowed her emotions to show. Her vulnerability coming out; she wasn't afraid to show me her; all of her.

"Chezza, sweetheart - we need to be honest with each other" I said more gently this time; stroking her cheek as she took a long look at me

"I love you" She said it. Plain and simple, no beating around the bush. She didn't hesitate, she didn't fight it; she came out with it like she had said it to herself everyday - every night.

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